Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 480
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir उपह 462 उपशोभनम् 395E, ETH &c. See 3us &c. 39T1 A. 1 To go towards, approach. -2 To return. syad: A particular high number. saa 1 A place for exercise. -2 A place whether inhabited or not. 3 A district or Pargana. -4 A kingdom (132) 349E quats #4 Siva. B. 31. 11. -5 A bog, marshy place. gryf: Motion towards, approaching. sraz See under state. Tat: Ved. A stick (of green wood) used for stirring the sacrificial fire; # 39a4hri Sat. Br. i T ah The three periods of the day; i.e. morning, midday, and evening ( 4). उपव्याख्यानम् A supplementary explanation or | interpretation; 214216174 Ch. Up. 1. 1.1. T E: A small hunting leopard. 3925 ind. Near a cattle pen. FOTO 4 U. 1 To endeavour, help, serve. -2 To learn, enquire into. -3 5. P. To be a ble. 39TH 4. P. 1 To become calm or quiet, be assuag- ed; 39TFUL : Bk. 20. 3. -2 To coa se, stop; 3719, Tax, #9: &c.; cease to speak; K. 110. -Caus. 1 To calm, tranquillize. -2 To appease, pacify, assuage, mitigate. -3 To extinguish, kill. 39TH: 1 Becoming quiet, assuagement, pacification; FSET 34814: Vo. 3 ; HIGH TO ZA Barrare: 924 Amaru. 6; cessation, stopping, extinction. -2 Relaxation, intermission. -3 Tranquility, calmness, patience; 34274:TT: 97404: Bhāg. 5. 4. 27. 37TA1 anay Bhag. 5.1.29. 19571914: Bb. 2. 82. - 4 Control or restraint of the senses. 5 in Astrono.) N. of the twentieth Muhurta. -Comp. -TT: with Jainas ) the destruction of activity &c. through quietism. STTAF a. Appeasing, pacifying, affording repose, making patient. 3TTATA 1 Quieting, calming, appeasing. -2 Mitigation, assuagement. -3 Extinction, cessation. TOTEA P. p. 1 Calmed. appeased, pacified. -2 Calm, tranquil. -3 Lessened, diminished. ifa: j. 1 Cessation, allaying, quieting, alleviation ; 3104721971-72 R. 8.31; Amaru. 65. -2 Appensing, assuaging, pacification, satisfaction of desires ); g d : ( ti ya al) Pt. 1. 147. 39 lat a. 1 Appeased, pacified. -2 Calm, tranquil. m. A tame elephant. 39374 See under 395. 39=T&TH An open place in the vicinity of a town or village, suburb; 37119 ROHT : R. 16. 37, 15. GO; Si. 5.8; K. 50.-ET: A spear, nail to a door ); Mb. 3. 15.6. TETET A secondary branch, title branch; 441 alacakaa quae ditaya : Bhag. 4. 31. 14. STTTT Appeasing (see 39 ). 39far Means to cure some disease like the prescribed diet etc. 39CH A place near a house, a court before a house. -4 ind. Near a house. 39 H A minor science or treatise. (meclicine, music &c.) TITATI, STOTH Learning, training. 313ET ( 1 Smelling. -2 Anything given to smell at. STIFTET: The pupil of a pupil : ferererere tqHAHEDE T-403af2919 Udb. u r 2 A. 1 To lie near. Warguager pie Ry. 10. 18.8. -2 To cohabit. -3 To do good to, agree with ; 49419 Charaka. 3977 a. 1 Lying by the side of -2 Productive of happiness or rest. -T: 1 Lying by the side of. 2 A lair, ambush ; fc #19 aring Si. 2. 80. -3 Diagnosis by the effect of certain articles of food, or medicine (one of the five elements of an). - Allaying disease by diet, reginen &c. A prepared piece of clay. FT. Lying in ambush (as a hunter); see 34974: (2). T IT: Sleeping in turn, rotation for sleeping with (another who keeps watch at night ). 34T 144 quiza :'; cf. RTTT2: 09 735414 a: Bk. 7. 11. 599 a. 1 Lying near to. -2 Sleeping, going to bed. -3 Allaying, calming. -4 Composing or narcotic (in medicine); Par, 2017 tranquilling: calming, secondary means of cure (as diet &c.). -5 One who keeps watch; aut ftat: Rām. 5. 6. 29. graft 1 A kind of disease of the head. -2 A necklace of pearls with five big pearls uniform in size at the centre; Kau. A. 2. 11. उपशुभ A. To be beautiful, brilliant; उपशुम्भमान Bhag.5.17.13.-Cans. P. To adorn, ornament, decorate. T 4 , THAT Adorning, ornamenting: falcat 981194991a Ava (1917) Si. 13. 36. For Private and Personal Use Only


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