Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
a. [37
] 1 Freed from a burden or offer; Y. 1. 159. -12 To prove; 317840 at a yoke, unrestrained, uncheckod, free.. #21: 247157: as tagati y. 2. 28. -13 To divide (as with Shiva. B. 9. 65; also : ibid. 35. 19. -2 Firm, partners ). -14 To publish, make known. -15 To unlo, intrepidl, bold; 2° M5.6.-3 Victorious, conquering. destroy; एप त्वां सजनामात्यमुद्धरामि स्थिरो भव Mb... 18.). 28. -4 High, loud (voice &c.); 1997 -AHETAFITACHI -Caus. To cause to extract or draw out;
- Dk. 104. -5 Heavy, full of: Higie
GETTY +a: R. 9. 78. Si.5.64.-6 Thick, gross. -7 Lively, cheerful. -8 Able, competent; 19HYTTEUTH Bv. 4.40.
JETUTH 1 Drawing or taking out, taking of clothes
&c.). -2 Extraction, pulling or tearing out; 34 5,9 U. 1 To shake, move up, raise, throw up, Ms. 9. 252; 16GTT Mita.; so Toz. -3 Extricatwave (as a chavari); igara PATIO K. 117, 200;
iny, deliverance, rescuing (from danger); datuKu. 2. 29; 3 1217 H Bk. 19. 8; Ki. 5. 39.-2 To F u R. 2. 25; pyar faqa199&T : H. 1. 29. shake or throw off ; A 77 A
-- Destruction, eradication, extermination, deposition, 47171: Si. 18. 8 dispel, destroy (fig.): 37 :
dethronement; FJZIGT Mu. 4. -5 Lifting, Mo. 17. -6 To disturb, excite, rouse up.
raising. -6 Taking a part or share. -7 Taking from p. 1 Shaken off, fallen from ; raised or
the Gärha patya fire to supply the other sacred fires. thrown up; 917741gatsiooa: Dhan.V.-2 Exalted,
-8 Vomiting; TÀU fa q at high, loud. -3 Raffleil, tossed up; zal
9914 Bhāg. 4.4.18. -9 Anything vomited. -10 Final Mb. 5. 193. t. -4 Blossomel, cheerful; 31úzaf7167
emancipation. -11 Acquittance of debt. -12 Hopiny, 1903 97. Ram. 5. 9. 66. -5 High, yone up
expecting; 3119. alam War T: TOE. JETA (39); refutata f*TH Rám. 5.56.29.-a. Mb. 13. 60. 14. 1 Stamping. -2 Throwing up. -3 Turning up: digging a e, JEIT a. 1 One who raises or lifts up.
744 1 Throwing upwards, raisiny. -2 Shaking. -2 A sharer, co-heir. -3 One who recovers property. उधूपनम् Fumigating.
m. 1 A destroyer, externinator; Y. 2. 91. - 2 A
saviour, deliverer. TY 1 Powdering, sprinkling with dust or powiler ; hic H24 499 K. P. 10; K. 129. -2 उद्धारकविधि:m. Mode of giving or paying; नत्कथय An article used to season food.
Tarafarmacia Pt. 2. s afa Den. P. To powder, sprinkle with powder gert: 1 Drawing out, extraction. -2 Deliverance, or dust.
redemption, sa ving, roscuing, extrication. -3 Raising, TYTT Erection of the hair (on the body), thrill,
lifting up. -4 Deduction, part to be set aside.
-5 In law ) A part to bo set aside from the paternal horripilation.
property for the benefit of the eldest son: the surplus ufta a. Having the hairs erect (through joy ); allowed by law to the eldest beyond the shares Pt. 1.
of the younger brothers; 394 T EGIT: 128 7 1.1.10 P. 1 To draw out, raise up. -2 To save,
24 Ms. 9.112. -6 Tho sixth part of booty taken deliver; at a n
U. 1. 23. II.
in wir which belongs to the king: 794 79 [ E] 1 To clrs w or take out, extract, oxtricate; ...
az A: Ms. 7. 97. -7 An obligation. -8 lobt, sa =77. R. 2.30; 3. 61; to deliver from, relieve of,
particularly such as bears no interest. -9 Rexovering save, rescue, protect (with a bl.); HT 1977 Tagar
property. -10 Marching out. -11 Citing (2 pagsago), 974 V. 4. 31; l't. 1. 358; B4. 6. 5. -2 To uproot,
quoting.-12 Final beatitude.-13 Prosperity, clevation.
--19 Compilation. -15 Leavings of dishes. -
- extirpate, eradicate; tear or pull out;
The plant 579 R. S. 9, 4. 66; fragmar770f . 7. 3;
T .-T A fire place. -Comp. -FIT: N. of work. Mv. 3. 13; Mal. 9. 22; 34 of Dk. 102. -3 To
- TI: Division of shares, partition. pluck up (flowers &c.); K. 21, 144. -4 To raise, lift SGKUH 1 Raising, elevating. -2 Rescuing, drawup, clevato, extend (a lands); ha affafoz- ing out of (danger), delivering. -3 Sharing, dividing. 404 Pt. 1. 363; Ms. 1. 62; V. 4. 34. 5 To take up, absorb (water); 3af627 araa R. 4. 66; 374
Safta «. Taken ont, drawn forthi, extricated, a ga aru Si. 3. 75.-6 To sustain, bear up; 104.
released. 9461H Pt.1. -7 To separato, abstract. -8 To remove,
p. p. 1 Drawn up or out (water), extracted put away: 9 To deduct, subtract. Ragyogvatar &c. -2 Rised, elevated, lifted up, thrown up or fate fanaat Ms. 10.85. -10 To select, pick out; cá upwards; AATT177 92469aa Ku. 5. 85. -3 Uproot
IGH TER 997 Ms. 9. 116, -11 To present, te, eradicated; gar: R. 2. 30. -4 Separatoil, set
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