Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir उपगृ 443 उपचर . . ......... .............. .. .. .................... . .... ...... . ................... . . STEP. To swallow down ; Suár. 2. soit 1 P. 1 To sing to any one (with dat. or acc.); AFHAYT Ch. Up. --2 To join in singing. -3 To praise in rong, celebrate, extol: T a nafa9 4: Ki. 18. 47. 3971 m. (TT:) A priest in a sacrifice who sings the hymns. f. Accompaniment of a song. STOTIT a. Singing near. m. One who accompanies the song of the Udyātri priest, a chorister. S 4 Accompanying music; ff T aat 39 T1291417H I SB. On. MS. 10. 4. 8. उपगायनम् Singing. g ia p . 1 Celebrated, sung by bards. -2 Commencing to sing; नात्र कान्तमुपगीतया तथा Si. 4.57. sqftia: f. A variety of the Aryā metre; see App. ITTH Song: Bhay. 5. 26.38. 399Fet: A subsidiary writing or a class of such writings 3991 P. To swallow down, devour, eclipse : Mb. 2. SUF 9 U. 1 To hold under, seize or collect from below; as 14.-2 To seize, take, take possession of; ada ya Rām.; 39a y a Ms. 7. 184. -3 To meet with, obtain; स मृत्युमुपगृहाति गर्भमश्वतरी यथा Chan. 19. - To subdue, vanguish. - To provide. - To con ciliate, take as one's ally, favour, support; 784ada TRT17 Mu. 1. -7 To conceive with one's mind, grasp mentally; धियो पगृहन्स्मितशोभितेन Bhāg.3.22.21. -8 To (lecide, determine. -9 To accept, approve. TE: 1 Confinement, seizure. -2 Defeat, frustration; 3114 - fara a fa+1994. Mu. 4.2. -3 A prisoner. - 4 Joining, addition. 5 (a) Favour, encouragement, assistanco, conciliation; 519974 K. 156. qface 19941997: Kau. A. 1. 36471993 2170 9:29 Mb. 12. 96. 14. (1) Favourableness, kindness, complacence; 1997. K. 261. -6 Use. -7 A kind of peace purchased by giving over every thing; cf. fa M a g99: H. 4. 121. -8 The voice or pada of a verb; TRXIU Mbh. III. 1.85; 1. 40; and 2. 127. -9 A pile or heap of kusa grass. -10 The presiding spirit or cause which directs a planet's motion. -11 A minor planet (1E, ha &c.), a secondary heavenly boily, such as a comet, meteor. TEUTH 1 Seizing (from below); taking bold of; as in M A T. -2 Seizuro, capture, taking one prisoner. -3 Supporting, furthering, promoting. -4 Holy study, study of the Vedas (after being initiated into them); वेदोपग्रहणार्थाय तावग्राहयत प्रभुः Ram, STATE: 1 Making a present. -2 A present; 32ATTAEN TI year ago Mb. 2. 3 pot. p. To be favoured or retained in service: Mu. 5. -: 1 An offering or present. -2 Particularly, a present or offering to a great man or king; the modern Nazarāņa. 399ra See under 396I. 3991 : A smaller variety of a plant Cassia fistula (Mar. gala). 37TT 1, 10 P. To fill with noise, make resonant. 399 p. p. 1 Resounding with, noisy. -2 Resonant. -3 Sounding. S OTH Proclaiming, publication, making known. 39A: [ 39--7 ] P. III. 3.85 397 3 2. 1 Contiguous support; पर्वतोपन्नः Sk.; छेदादिवोपन्नतरोर्बतत्यौ R.14.1. -2 Shelter, support, stay, protection. (*12ats 7722) 1 - qarı... Bk. 7. 64; cf. also 319 at care arataifeargata R. 14. 1. -3 That which rests upon or is supported by: soal P. To smell, to touch with the mouth; T rasa la 719 R. 13. 70. 39 : ( 597a: * 7*14] A variety of the ruddy goosc. Mb. 3. 178. 7. 394 n. [396 Perta] 1 An eye-glass, spectacles ef. 29794.-2 A superhuman or divine eyo. 3rhat a. (P. V. +. 77 Vārt. 1) About four. 3aT 1 P. 1(a) To serve, wait or attend upon ; faftaya Ku. 1. 60; fafa K. 62: Ms. 3. 193, 4. 251 ; 247 92 ya 1907 Mk. 1. 31; K. 326. (1) To honour, worship: Sca: 9314 1437 K. 10, 323; V.3. - 2 To treat, deal with, act towards: entertain: 1 392 Dk. 71 treated as a friend; WHITESI HRITT 77, 117; af faaf4974 134 ; 3917 aug a: R. 14.17 honoured or entertained; 5. 62; 19 de 940 V. 3. honoured with the title of queen. 9999-21 7919ANT: A HRA Mbl. IV. 1. 103. -3 To attend on (as a patient), treat, tend, nurse; agyalh S. 3; 99fe92 : Pt. 1. -4 To approach, go towards. 5 To undertake, begin (mostly Vedic in these sonses ). -pass. To be used figuratively or metaphorically, be applied figuratively to any one with loc.); ayaa S. B.; 47 एवात्मा बालैः शारीर इत्युपर्यते hil; कालोऽयं द्विपराख्यो निमेष उपचर्यते Bhāg.; भुक्का वाहाणा इत्यत्र अन्नस्य भुक्तत्वं ब्राह्मणेषूपचर्यते Malli. on Ki. 1. 1.; Bri. S. 5. 15; ar 3994 योज्यते K. P. TT a. Accessory, supplementary. -T: 1 Access, approach. --2 Cure, treatment; quia ur: 977: easily curable. -3 STETTUTH Approach. For Private and Personal Use Only


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