Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir आहितक 377 आहारिकम् IN taha Ms. 10.37 (according to Kull., he was einployer 1 watelman on the outside of jails; and hence called आहिण्डिक). Sea A hircling: Kau. A. 2.1. striggiozni (zizoga za 5] A juggler, a a snake-catcher, conjurer; caligiosasidah AH Mu. 2. I TUTE.. A two-hedel snake. STIE 3 U. To sacritice, offer un oblation, Worship (: fire). आहवःA sucrifice; नत्र नाभवदसौ महाहवे Si. (for other meanings see under 3117). आहवनम् 1 A sucritice; द्रष्टुमाहवनमग्रजन्मनाम् Si. 14.38. -2 An oblation. stika pot. To be offered as an oblation. - A consecrater fire taken from the house-holder's perpetual fire, one of the three tires (i. e. the eastern) burning at a sacrifice; t ra i q u ali ar sat raw: 2 3 : 419 31124-14: Asval.; see also signar under 319.349 E-STTTT Chall. Up. 4. 13.1. 162 . l'it for a burnt offering. - consecrated fire. nara: [ 311-8--141 44] 1 Fire; se under it alo. -2 A pond, lake (1719 fari 1994STU). 19169951 3412lagarna: Bk. 7.60. 37a . Ofered to the gods, sacrificed. -74 1 An offering in de tuinen, hospit:lity. -2 The nourishment of :'ll created beings (47431 or 494497), regardod is one of the five principal acritices of the lindus cf. 97471231. izra: /. 1 (lering an oblation to : deity, ULY Holoni rite accompanied with oblations; Daiga 174 R. 1. 82.-2 An oblation offered to a deity. Sigis, - 'To offer, to become an oblation; Ratn.; BK 1 * N. of prince, yrand-father of Krisau. -Fit: N. of a people. आहुल्यम् N. of : leguminous shrub (तगर, तरवट &c.) SIĘ IP'. 1 To briny, fetch : 79TECH R. 3. 6; 901 : 14. 77, 18. 8; 7974 to bring an answer : 214 bring news. -2 To bring near, give ; चन्द्रगुप्ताय मेदिनीम् Kam. 1.5; अयाचिताहृत Y. 1.215. --3 To recover', bring back. - To obtain, yet, receive; arter MX. 2. 183, 6. 27. 7. 80, 8. 151. v. 1. ) 11.12; 1.1. 97. -5 To have, assume: 31196 7 o... f119 Ku.3.33. -6 To cause, produce, lead to; 214944 4. . ...C K. 10.5; AH, #19 Re: Hans fareff i gan Rām. -7 To bring near (as wife), marry: 247 016Hazifa 4TGAH Ku. 6. 28. -8 to wear, put on (as armour &c.); 2 caratti dalyka. Ki. 1. 35. -9 To offer in a sacrifice; to perform (as a sacritice); 4 R. . 86, 14. 87. -10 To take away, attract (as mind ). -11 To separate, remove, draw off from. -12 To scare or frighten away, drive forth. -13 To use as food or drink, eat. -14 To speak, say, name, call. -Caus. 1 To make one fetch or bring, canso to give or pay; T 211 farar E ETH Ms. 10. 119. -3 To eat. -3 To bring together, collect; Pt. 3. 151. - 4 To cause, produce. -5 To exact. -6 To show, exhibit. SITET a. (at the end of comp.) Bringing, fotching taking, seizing FTTET: R. 1. 49. -T: 1 Taking, seizing. -2 Accomplishing, performing. -3 Offering a sacrifice. --4 Drawing in breath, inhaling. -5 The air so inhaled. - Inspiration, breath inspired. -Comp. -PET, ICT, fan, tar, ar, fall. सेना, compounds of the class called ; मयूरव्यंसकादि. STIETOT «. Taking away, robbing; as in 314&TT:. -04 1 Fetching, bringing (near); HAIETOTH WITT 44 S. 1. - 2 Seiving, taking; BERRETT 94 R. 6. 75. -3 Removing, extracting, -4 l'erforming, accomplishing as sacrifice); 3497 4 1ERUT Hrah Mb. 5 A dowry or present given to a bride (at the time of her marriage. ); var ietsaft: R. 7. 32. -6 Causing, inducing. TIEO . 1 One who takes or suizes. -2 Bringing, fetching. -3 l'erforming; 5442191 real al K.5. -4 Causiny, bringing on ; 3417427177912 fata 47: V. . 1. (- ) A copy-holder in Lw). TIETT. (or fil.) 1 Bringing neal'procuring, wetting; H EIT: 1993 Sk. -2 Going to fetch : 31 3fa waf WATETE1994 Mb. 3.296.23. -T: 1 Taking, fetching, or bringing near: निर्गतस्तु पुराद्वीरो भक्ष्याहारप्रचोदितः Rām. 7. 68.2. -2 Employing, usiny: -3 Taking food. -4 Food; (36f Tan H EIT: Sk.); f . P.L took his dinner; MIETT, 'ra: means of livelihood; भेक्षाहारः living on alms; यवाहार, निराहार &c. -Comp. -31 . begging or seeking for food. Og Quicksilver. facram: the posterior part, passage of voidiny excrements. - Fi: 1 cooking. - 2 digestion of food ). -fara: want of food, privation, starvation. a: the juice of the body, chyle, lympli. TIERT. a. Going to fetch or bring; IERI ब्रजतिk. SETH (With the Jainas) One of the tive bodlies belonging to the soul; according to Colebrooke, it is 'a minute form issuing from the head of a meditative For Private and Personal Use Only


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