Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
- 1 : kind of sugar-cane. -2 the eye of sugarcane. (Mar. Iata sat). -971: a kind of grain (Mar. ). - 19: molasses. -T: X. of a tree (T2).
a kind of grass ( 7727). Her 1 a meal of sugar and molasses. -2 A machine for crushing sugarcane. - eat a woman who eats a sugar-cane - Hát, afcat, -Alzet N. of a river. HRH the root of sugar-cane: a kind of sugar-cane.
&: diabetes or Wiabetes mellitex (cf. R.). Hita . dis betie. -34 a sugar mill. : Taiga üfa: JF2] Saccharum Officinarum (que ).
-TH: 1 the juice of sugar-cane. - 2 molasses, unrefined sugar. -3 a kind of #12 grass ; Tai: One of the sens. Fry: raw or unrefined sugar, molasses. - a sugar-cane woodl. -at-Eg the common yellow cane. Eit n., : the sea of syrup, one of the seven pois. -
a hl (also 34911 ) [sefa azogz] 1 N. of a treo (Mar. alfakata.). -2 the ET grass, cafe Fit, -aret 1 a kind of sugar-cane (qozu). -2 : garden of sugar-canes. -feirt: 1 sugar, molasses. -2 any sweetmeat.-TFCH, -
a field fit for planting the sugar-cone. -AT: molassen, raw or retined sugar.
H : Sugarcane; ree T2ZT A place a bounding in sugar-cane. इक्षुमती /. The name of a river im कुरुक्षेत्र.
T: 1 Sugar-cane. -2 N. of a kind of grass ( T) cf. Matanya L. 9. 21.
: 1 N. of the celebrated ancestor of the Solar kings who ruled in Ayodhyā; (he was the first of the Solar kings and was a son of Manu Vaivasyata ; (cf. Bhay, 994 Ha l aturd: ya:); 5914 - A: 7 U. 1. 17.-2 (pl.) Descondants of Iksvaku:
1917fa fe 27 R. 3. 70.- I. A kind of bitter gourd, Cucurbita Lagenaria (Mar. ).
Seat (f)#i A kind of reed.
qa, tra i P. (mara sfa) To go, move; usually with 9, 4.1.
911 U.(csía-1, síugh, şika) 1 To move, shake, be agitate ; 3911 219 91 and By. 6. 19, 14. 23;
1914 fasa 207 af Mb. 3. 102. 20. -2 To go, move. - 'aux. 1 To move, agitate, shake. -2 In yram.) to separate the members of a compound; cf. इल्मय below. * a. 1 Movable; erge
a Mb 3. 102. 20. -2 Wonderful, surprising. "T: 1 A hint or sign. -2 An indication of a sentiment by gesture. -3 Knowledge. - A kind of counting. - the earth.
*[an ] -1 Moving, shaking, causing to nove. -2 Knowledge. -3 The operation of separating one member of a compound from another, 11 by an Iruyrulut.
si a p. p. Moved, shaken. - [ - ] 1 Palpitation, shaking. -2 Internal thought, inward thought or secret ain, intention, purpose; 37 tah: 1.7; Pt. 1. 43; H419 4 1 ku.5.62: 297777721 1721
7 R. 1. 20; Si. 9. 69. -3 A hint, sign, gesture ; 3411 Pt. 1. 44. -4 Particularly, the gesture or motion of the various limbs of the body indicating one's intentions; gesture suited to betray internal feelings; आकारैरिस्तिर्गत्या गृहातेऽन्तर्गतं मनः Ms.8. 26. cf. fra en af FIT 31151: Haa: -Comp. - , -30. skilled in the interpretation of internal sentiments by external gestures, understanding signs.
3 pot. p. 1 Mova ble from its place. -2 (In the Prātisakhyas A term for those words or parts of a compound which in certain grammatical operations may be separated from the preceding partsword which in the lado-Patha is divided by the fragraha.
ET: A disease.
Fu, -,- TT: N. of a medicinal tree, Terminalin Catapps (Mar. feniaz); sorry: 1544 U. 1. 21; aut: ffeagena: 474 1977: S. 1. 14. 4 the nut of the tree. sferica: A pond; mud. 03F, Tol See under 54. 0677: N. of a tree, the citron. PC: A small tree growing near water (
fo, 1934). 1914
F pot.. (of 7 ) To be worshipped. -J: 1 A tencher; हंसा य एक बहुरूपमिज्यायामयं वेद स वेद वेदम् Bhag. 11. 12. 23. -2 An epithet of fa, the teacher of the gods. -3 The Pusya Naksatra. -4 The Supreme Being; : ZIEN HH 45t: Bhāy. 10. 81. 13. -5 An epithet of Visņu. -591 1 A sacrifice; 577i TEH 4 1 R. 3. 48, 1. 69, 17. 2; By. 11. 53, YAA a a ral: 9. 25.-2 A gift, donation. -3 An image. - 4 Worship, reverence. -5 Meeting, union. -6 A bawd or procuress. -7 A cow. -Comp. : a constant sacriticer.
: A shrimp (type*).
1 P. [ ía, seal 1 To go, go to or towards; gaat z 919: gara: Ry. 10. 171. 1. -2 To err. -3 To make haste Ved.).
इट: Ved. 1 Cane or grass ; अथो इट इव हायनोप द्राह्मवीरहा Av. 6. 14.3.-2 A mat, a web made of cane or grass, -Comp. -EATH & mat Ved).
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