Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ruining one's enemy, making a person leave his business arta p. p. 1 Pronounced, uttered. -2 Having by magical spells by making him disgusted with it. excrement. - Evacuation of the bowels. - N. of one of the five arrows of Kama.
3a * a. Pronouncing, uttering. Joaca a. Driven away; ayga 421 11
JET UT a. Which is being pronounced. I a Saratan eratu gaztea: Bhāg. 5. 24. 27.
कार्यायोच्चार्यमाणो वर्ण इत्संज्ञः । मुग्धबोधः 36T2T 1 Pride, arrogance. -2 Habit, ngage. -3 A J E 1 P. 1 To start, set out; ftua: ftuar : kind of garlic. -4 N. of different plants; yar, ya, A R. 2.6; 3=7717 UHAI Ti 11. 51; sometimes भूम्यामलकी, नागरमुस्ता.
with dat. of place; TIETOH Dk. - To go or 5 3 a. 1 Fierce, terrible, formidablo; U. 6.-2 remove away or fly away (from one's place ), fly Quick, expeditious. -3 Loud. 4 Angry, irascible,
away from ; Fragman S. 1. 28; goule violent; 693 USTA: Mv. 1. 45. -5 Hanging down.
R. 12. 27.-3 To free or extricate oneself from. 36FZ:[ : 7] The last watch of the
Jota. Moving. (ZH) Mind, understanding. night.
JSOTH Moving away, setting out. 35971 P. 1 To go upwards, to rise; a
35ioa p. p. 1 On the point of going, setting out. Mbh.; K. 14. -2 To ascend (as the sun ); issue or go
-2 Gone up or out; winnowed as grain). forth, go up: a aay TGT: Si. 17.52: Mal. 32 a. [ 20] P. II. 1.72. 1 High 5.21.-3 To arise, appear forth, rise as a voice), to and low, uneven, irregular, undulating; Ms. 6. 73. -2 be heard; 3 17 F IERI : R. 9.73; 15. 46; 16. Great and small, variegated, heterogeneous. -3 Various, 87; A ZI K. 27; U. 2; Ratn. 1. - 4 To multiform, of various kinds, diverse; sala=114 YENİ empty the body by evacuations, void one's excrement; i 29- 2 : Nir: Ms. 1.38; Si. 4. 46; Dk. 48, 101, 156. face 190149 Ms. 4. 49.5 To emit
a 5 U. To collect, gather, accumulate.
3 7 (sounds ), utter, pronounce; 77 grafta ya Aru R. 11. 73. -6 Used in the Atm.) (a) To quit, leave.
9647. Fala Bk. 3. 38. (1) To win against, be tunfaithful (to a husband or 35 : 1 A collection, heap, multitude; 927 wife), transgress against; gata sk. (c) To violate S. 2. 10; 921273 S. ]). 2; cf. FT 4 also. -2 Gatheror transgress in general, stray or deviate from; 4-1 ing, collecting (Hlowers &e.); 469774 za S. 4; silver: 4:aftar
Bk. 8.31. (1) To rise up to, Ku. 3. 61. -3 The knot of a woman's wearing) a8cell (trung. ); || THIET BI THI . 5. 18; S5. 17. garment ( 197); T 2119-1 at 213 2124 52. -Cars. 1 To cause to issue. -2 To utter, pronounce, sfahrzKi. 8. 15, eta # qa al 43717 declare. -3 To void one's excrement. - To emit.
51. -4 Nivara rice collected by
winnowing ). -5 Prosperity, rise; 342121921H. 3. 126. TOTT 1 Going up or out. -2 Utterance,
-6 The opposite side of a triangle. -Comp. -9 pronunciation.
Prosperity and decline, rise and fall. Jara p. p. 1 Gone up or out, risen. -2 Uttered.
Fa: 1 Apassionate or angry man. -2 A pronounced fc. - H Excrement, foces.
kind of crab. 3 A kind of cricket: cf. 32-326773 JUTT: 1 Utterance, pronunciation, declaration: 901, *1971: 919 Medini. Filho. -2 Excrement, duny, faces; 9 21 a :
( ) FT: A crab. HI. Pr. 16; 4 Ms. 4. 50. -3 Discharge
t a. With the pictures prominently appearing; (in general). -4 Passage of heavenly bodies to
97-1a Mal. 6. 5. another zodiacal sign or asterism. Comp. -TETTA Excrement Jaina ). - TETETT A privy.
inl. Having lifted up and kissed; K.
3 3:, -3: 1 The flag of a banner, or the banner JeaTTTH 1 Pronunciation, utterance; ara: Sik. 2; a'. -2 Declaration, announcement, enunciation. -3
itself. -2 An ornanient fastened on the top of a banner. Lifting up; स्कन्धोच्चारणनम्यमानवदनप्रच्योतितोये घटे Pra- 3538 a. ( 37-52-] 1 Destoryed, cut down (pertima 1. 5. -Comp. 370 a. 1 useful for pronunciation. haps for 32 ); see rza. -2 Extinct (as a work). -2 necessary for pronunciation, such as a redundant
Egy 1 U. To fly upwards or a way, move letter only used to facilitate pronunciation. -*: a linguist. 353TUSI PITT TINHH Si. 4. 18. - FTTH
onwards, wave. the part of the throat from which certain sounds 35goa pres. u. 1 Shining, moving about; Si. 3. (such as nasals, gutturals &c. ) issue.
37: Mal. 3: 4903-21 8 73Tooldatigas K. P.
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