Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
31195 11. To shake, stir, agitate.
11a: Vol. 1 Ono who stirs up or agitatos. -2 That which is agitated, mixture. -3 Throwing.
आधवनम् Shaking, agitating. 3279-ft: A vessel in which the Soma plant is shaken and cleansed.
3712772: That which is shaken. 37Tya. Shaken, agitated.
yfa . ( A) (37991 19:39] New, modern, of recent origin.
PT 1, 10. P. 1(a) To hold, keep, contain; á - af Ks. 2. 37. (1) To support, bear. -2 To bring, supply: 3199419 914fa69-124 Ry. 9.12.9. (-) To stop, to suspend: 6717771
, EH*114 Pra tija. I.
3 F : [ 31-1 977: 34114-asit #21: sí kaši.) 1 Support, prop, stay: 549NH 7fa5fa: 999
:7774 (Some annotators explain 31 as local conditions): Mu. 1. 2. -2 (IIence) Power of sust:ining, aid, patronage, assistance: 1117: Bh. 2.1.-3 A receptacle, reservoir: A 4 AT Pt. 1. 67: -17TIM Hana 19 7 7: K11.6.67; 3941149 1779 Ku... : 112
r at: St.11: 117: 1F718 K. 11; 1. 3. 144, 165. -4 That which holds or contains, a vessel, recipient. -5 A part, character (in dramas); W: 548h: 92 1744 My. 1.3. -6 A bain round the foot of : tree; 31111747911 : : R. 5. 6.-7 A dike, dam, em bunk1net. -8 A 203. -9 The sense of the locative case, lisation, comprehension; 3121 IS197014; ( 31417 is of 3 kinds - 192197, 1917, nd 2197 see Sk. on P. I. 1. ). -10 Relation. -11 A ry. cf. BUT salas 9 e urfu Nm. -Comp. -TTTTTTT: the influence, relation, or action of the support or revipient upon the thing received or supported: 11.3. 12.-FHN. of a mystical circle on the posterior part of the body; Rasikarama na. tft: A1 Maya or illusion. - 2 the Supreme goddess. STT: A foundation.
19TOTH oluling, supporting, sustaining. 31277 .. To be located. -Comp.-31EFT: the relation of the recipient and the thing to be raeived or loated.
12a «. Ved. Contained, supported. ST187 5. P. 1 To assail, defy. -2 To overcome. injure, hurt. 10 P. or --Caus. 1 To defy, challenge;
il, attack; 21721401 Hora: 47: Y. 2.); injure, hurt, overcome. -2 To convict, refute.
1971: 1 Contempt. -2 Injuring forcibly,
STTTTTH 1 Conviction of crime or error; sentence. -2 Refutation. -3 Injuring, annoying 1990 a ** 14 Sukra. I. 30.).
T iia 1. 1 Injured, royed furribly. -2 Argrievedl, censured, injured. -3 Refuted in argument, disproved. - 4 Sentencel, convited. SITY. p. Checked, overcome.
rit: f. Assailing, attackinx. S H ( 319-32] sai : M . P. IV. 2. 15. Want of cows.
SITETITUT: [ 31-T : HTË I. P.] The rider or driver of an elephant: 31191 777 Prif ASTA: 14: R. 7. 16, 7.18, 18.3): Si. 5. 47.
TEAT1 P. 1 To intiste, put up, swell. -2 TO blow or fill with wind, sound as a ronch &e.). - . To be elated or intite, lwtilled: 17 459771291412 41: 14 79 TY
7 7 499 V.1.10. Ms.). 2. fata p. p. 1 Puffed up, inflated, clated, filled with (lit. and fix. ). charged with: WW 1 477: K. 107; Dk.110: 192 1 M. 3.:6.3): Vk. !). 12: 3941° 1.6. 21, Mk. 1. %): 47° zy: 1'. 1. tillel with pride. -2 Exensively lefel, increaser, magnitied: 1974:27
T U ..6: M ... 18. -3 Sounded, sounding, dinne: 7177 ( 1 ) Rami. 1..57.31. -4 Burnt. -5 Nick ly the swelling of the belly. -2: 11'latulence, swelling of the bomen with noise. -2 Wor, battle.
SEAT [ - ] 1 Blowing in Hation: (tig. ) growth, increase; 3
r agf21911 Mv. 7.1.4. - 2 Boesting, antony. -3 A bellows. - 4 Intrumescence, swelling of the belly, body dc. dropsy. - 1 A kind of fragrant u tance. 2 A blow-pipe.
TEATTA A means of in tating or causing a son. STTETETA [ 3724-997) Vel. 1 Superintendence. -2 Presence.
TETA«. (-T:) ( 37 - 9:39] 1 Relating to the Supreme Spirit. -2 Spiritual, Joly; 394594698 gut za 394. Y. 1.101; Ms. 2. 117 -3 Relating to self. - 4 Caused by the mind pain, sorrow &c.); see 1424*.
3782T*: (3742144. ma aru 39] A teacher, a spiritual preceptor.
enfa. (- f.) [37912 zą] Occupied or employel in reading or studying the Vedas (anta ): 191 192 4 : T. Up. 2. X.
strefa a. (T) ( 37 fa: ] Caused by adhyāsa i. e. by attributing the nature and properties of one thing to another (in Vedanta Phil.).
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