Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
आक्रिक्ष a. 1 Wet. -2 Touched with pity.
. An indeclinable joined to the roots. भू and अस्; 900 ऊर्यादि Golpa on P. L. 4. 67. Moistening, wetting, sprinkling.
(- की . ) [ अक्षयनेन निर्वृत्तम् ठक् ] Effected or completed by gambling.
1 A keeper of archives or records. -2 An officer of accounts. आक्षपटले गाणनिक्याधिकारः Kau. A. 2.
1 Fasting, purifying by fasting, abstinence. आक्षपाटिका [ अक्षपट- 1 A judge at playing with dice, superintendent of a gambling house; -2 A judge, arrange of law suits; see
आक्षपाद ( दी
[अक्षपाद अपू] Tought by Aksapada or Gautama. A follower of the Nyaya system of philosophy, a logician. The Nyaya system of philosophy.
TT 10 P. 1 To abuse, revile, accuse falsely, calumniate; मातरं पितरं जायां भ्रातरं तनयं गुरुम् आक्षारयन Ms. 8. 275.-2 To punish..
आक्षरसमाम्नायिक . Belonging to the alphabet.
: A charge or calumny, accusation (of adultery). -2 N. of a Saman.
आक्षारणम्, -णा Calumnious accusation (especially of adultery ); तत्र त्वाक्षारणा यः स्यादाक्रोशो मैथुनं प्रति Ak
sanfta p. p. 1 Calumniated. -2 Accused of adultery or fornication यस्त्वनाक्षारितः पूर्वम् M. 8.855, 351. -3 Guilty, criminal.
sfer 2, 6 P. Ved. 1 To abide, dwell in, stay (with). -2 To be or exist. 43 affa fa
Av. 10. 5. 45. -3 To possess. anfer. Abiding, dwelling, snfert que Rv. 3. 55. 5.
आक्षिक . ( - की. ) [ अक्षेण दीव्यति जयति जिनं वा; अक्ष 3 P. IV. 4. 2.] 1 One who plays at dice. One who looded [die] (भारभूतानांना हरनि वहति) 8 Dhe who gains by gambling. -4 Won by gambling. -5 Relating to dice or gambling; आक्षिकं ऋणम् Ms. 8. 150 incurred in gambling. : N. of a tree (= q. v.) 1 Money gained by gambling. -2 Gambling debt, money lost at play. -. A kind of spirituous liquor prepared from the seeds of Teronina bia Bellorien ( विभीतक: Mar. बेहडा ). -Comp. -पणः a stake, a wager.
6 U. To throw or cast down, dash down; फलं तरज्ञाक्षिप्तम् Pt. 4; शिलायामाङ्क्षिप्य Pt. 1. -2 To attract, entice, allure, win over; afera faq: K. 109;
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Si. 10. 79 -3 To strike with a dart, missile &c. -4 To draw near or together, contract, convulse (used in medicine). 5 To interrput, cut short, एवंवादिनो K. 18, 207: Ve. 6. 6 To draw back or withdraw; take or throw off, snatch or draw away, pull off; R. 7. 7; Ku. 7. 58 a afer Bh. 1. 43; Me. 70. 7 To chase, drive out of a place, remove: स एतानाक्षिपाष्ट्रात Mb.: आक्षिप्ता: Mu. 1. -8 To hang out, expose to view (as a banner). 9 To point to, refer to, hint at, indicate; P. VI. 3. 34 Sk.; S. D. 2. 10 To reject, neglect, disregard, spurn; Amaru. 85.-11 To object to (as argument). 12 To insult;
fafe Ve. 3; to blame; Santi. 1. 18. -13 To eclipse, obscure; आक्षिपन्तीमिव प्रभां शशिनः स्वेन तेजसा Mb. -14 To infer (from circumstance); affer K. P. 2. -15 To say or state ironically. -16 To pass (as time ) ; याचिनस्तु न च कालमाक्षिपत् Si. 14. 15.
आक्षित p. p. 1 Cast, thrown down. -2 Overthrown, repulsed; f g Ratn. 4. 12. -3 Seized, grasped, snatched away; V. 5. 5. -4 Drawn, attracted, overpowered;, U. 4; seduced, enticed; K. 281. g: Bu. Ch. 4. 3. 5 Perplexed, distracted, bewildered; fa: Ve. 2. -6 Insulted, reviled, abused. -7 Equal or equivalent to. -8 Interpolated, inserted, seo frя.
fer A particular air or song sung by a character_while approaching the stage: [ चचत्पुटादितालेन मार्ग पिता स्वरपदप्रथिता कविता (भरतना शास्त्र ) ]; प्रावेशिकी आक्षिप्तिका V. 4.
: 1 Throwing off, tossing, pulling off, matching away शुतानाम् Ku. 1. 115 withdrawings] [दनमामीशः Ku. 7.903 movement, shaking; K. 13. 2 Reviling, censure, blame, abuse, reproach, defiant censure; a स्थानादिन्द्रः प्रचालितः Bhag 12. 6. 22. प्रचण्डया ए. 5. 28; facemàftafafa Ki. 14.25; Bh. 2.69.-3 Drawing together, attraction, diverting;
K. 346, 348 power to interest -4 Distraction, allurement; fang: Bh. 3. 47, 23.5 Throwing away, giving up. 6 Applying, laying on, putting in or into (as a colour); a: Ku. 7. 17. -7 Hinting at, reference to, taking to oneself or assuming as the meaning of another word; afa : K. P. 2. -8 An inference. 9 A deposit. -10 An objection or doubt.-11 Convulsion, palpitation. -12 Sustaining, as a sound. -13 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech (ef. Grock paralipsis) in which something really intended to be said is apparently suppressed or denied to convey a particular meaning; आक्षेपः स्वयमुक्तस्य प्रतिषेधो विचारणात्। चन्द्रसंदर्शयात्मानमथवास्ति
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