Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
T T a. (319-518 ] 1 Iroduced in mine, mineral. -2 of yood brood: za fra : Ki. 5. 7.
31 Ut p. 1. 1 Scattered or spread over. -2 Filled or overspread with, crowded, full of, a bounding in; GATHOF 579€ 49 S. 5. 10:31f9faFERTA: R. 1.50; RISOTT: Pt. 1. 370 # :) 3110 Ms. 6. 51. -OTH A crowd: V. 2.
ind. Ved. 1 Near in the neighbourhood: 149 #47Toe Rv. 2. 1. 10. -2 Distant. 3 T a. Half-shut, half-closed (oves); ad #31779791 Ki. 8. 53; Mal. 5; K. 81; Richa gay
1714: Mu. 3. 21 7 fan war! मीलितार्धपुटालोके ताराव्यावर्तनोत्तरा ।।
ft a. Ved. Advancing near (as rays of light);
Wise (?).
1.80.-2 To draw, or bend (as a bow ); (319 )
a 7195 Si. 9. 40: S. 3. 3. (v. l.) -3 To draw or take out; Esar e Mk. 2; U. 1. 4 To extract, borrow (from another source ); 37717
FERIE T9hty fosted H. Pr. 9. -5 To draw or carry along; to waft or be charged with ; 391491 921
U. 3. 2. -6 To doprive, take away by force, snatch: 3711 9: Bk. 16. 30. -7 To supply a word or words from another rule or sentence. -Caus. To draw near to oneself, pull together : qar yar Rs. 5. 11. (v. l.).
31179: 1 Attracting or drawing towards oneself. -2 Drawing away from, withdrawing; U. 3. 46. (v. l.) -3 Drawing (a bow). -4 Attraction, fascination. -5 Spasm. -6 Playing with dive; 311791 : Mb. -7 A die or dice. -8 A board for a yame with divo. -9 An organ of sense. -10 A magnet, a londstone; यथा श्राम्यत्ययो ब्रह्मन् स्वयमाकर्षसन्निधी Bhag. 7.5. 14. -11 A touch-stone. -12 A bow. cf. 31179: STI asa a s Nm. -13 A poisonous plant: Mb. 7. 40.9.
31 a. attracting, attractive. - A magnet, a loadstone.
T ura. Attracting, carrying to another place. -UTH 1 Pulling, drawing, attracting. -2Seduction. ---Uir 1 A curved stick for pulling down fruits, flowers
&c. (standing on elevated places); any instrument for pulling: -2 A variety of Mudrā or mark on the body ).
# . (- /:) Magnetic, attractive ( 3179 A). P. IV. 1.9.
11 . Attractive (as a smell at a distance ). -oft A rol with a hook at the end for pulling down boughs in order to gather fruits &c.
आकृष्ट . Attracted, pulled ; नाकृष्टं न च टाङ्कितं न नमितं नोत्थापितं स्थानत: Mahan.
TETO: 1. 1 Attraction (in general ). -2 Attraction, gravitation (in astr.); 3115 4 net 91 77 खस्थं गुरु स्वाभिमुखं स्वशक्त्या । आकृष्यते तत्पततीय भाति समे A garai à ll Goladh. 1. - 3 Drawing or bending of a bow; 33o Amaru. 1. -4 (Tantric texts) Attract ing an absent person by a magic formula. -Comp. -HF3: an incantation by which another person is attracted ; fc-1944 H. 1. 93.
371 6. P. 1 To scatter or spread over, fill, fill up, cover, heap up (used chiefly in p. p. q. v.) ar 7: H 997: PRI Rv. 9.81.3. arritur Av. 4.38.2. -2 To dig up.
if : [ 311*faqe: 79 ) 1 A person appointed ( by the king ) to superintend a mine. -2 A miner.
5 : The sign Capricornus (*); (a word of Greek origin).
re : A slight anger; Si. 2. 99. आकौशलम् Inexpertness, want of skill: विवरीतमथा-मनो 0917 TAHTA Si. 16.30.
371F1 U. 1 To lament, woep, cry, cry out, creak; scream;
Z a f: Yar a u sfar: Rs. 4.7; Bk 15.50.-2 To shout, roar. - To invoke, call out to; 3119- 12 M b. -Uans 1 To cause to weep or cry. -2 To call out to; tra for lugar 42 :
fa: Mk. 5. 23. -3 To inspire courage by the sound of a drum; 3194 41 73 Ry. 6. 47.30. - 4 To shout or roar at; to cry incessantly. 371923
9 ac 48 ST Av. 2. 36. 6.
3712: 1 Weeping, crying out; 14 W T1 Pt. 4. 29. -2 Calling, invoking, calling out to; 3117
129€fa og Ms. 8. 292. -3 Sound, warcry, a cry (in general); 311448 324 Ks. 10.94. -4 A friend, defender; 2049717 71441feat Mb. 1. 172. 9. -5 A brother. -6 A tierce or violent combat, war, battle. -7 A place of crying. -8 A king who prevents an ally from aiding another; king whose kingdom lies next but one. पाणिग्राहं च संप्रेक्ष्य 7917 Hozd Ms. 7. 207 (see Kull. thereon ). cf. also Kau. A. 6.2. cf...3117 FU TUT T I araít... Nm. f4HFrar a 1913 #: Kau. A. 1. 16.
971FF&1 Lamentation, weeping, cry of lamentation ; -2 Calling ont. 37174721fafa Bhag. 7. 2. 32.
* a. (31re orala P.IV. 4.38 ] one who runs to a place where cries of distress) are heard.
a p. p. 1 Roaring, crying, or weeping bitterly. -2 Invoked, called. - Th 1 A cry, roar;
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