Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
........................... ........... . .... ........ (horselike in trength); ajuta fal m . giving horses. 3fte Tor R v. 5. 18. matau afar ha: ll - át (du.) A horse 3. a: a riding messenger'. HET N. of a river. and a maro. -sar: horses and mares. [cf. I.. quus; -17: one who has the charge of a drove of grazing Gr. limos; Zend aspa; Pers. p. ]-Comp - 3TGT: N. horses; a horse herd. -Freios: a groom, a horseof a planta 19.-315rat : whip 3417 Baati5917 fastener. -farroista. Ved. decorated or embellished
2 Ry. 6. 75. 13.- t. strony in cavalry, with horses, hoffa caig frit Rv. 10. 76. 3. -: superior in horses. -97677: a guardian of horses, Ved a groom; Váj. 30. 11. - fa: 1 lord of horses commander of horso-cavalry. -TOI IH a troop of horse- Rv. 8. 21. 3. -2 N. of several persons; of : king of nen, ca valry: : : buffalo. Tatia*: N. of a tree Madra and father of Savitri. Tot a. [1
140 3727791.-3yaz: veterinary science, concerning liores. 27 ] 1 having horses (as a chariot ); Ry. 1. 28. 1. -35 . mountel, sitting on horse-back. -31TE a. -2 a cloud (that penetrates overywhere). -90, riding or mounted on horse. (- ) 1 : horsemani, -57,- TT: a horse-yroom. 091 N. of the tree rider. -2 one who is fightiny. -3 a ride. (ET), माषपणा Glycine Debilis. (Mar. रान उन्डीद). -पृष्ठम् horse -TRIEF: N. of the plant 3 791. - RCTEUR back. --TETE a. decorate or embellished with horses; Horsemen, cavalry. H e 19 Pratijñā. Fiat 113214221744 Rv. 2. 1. 16.-773: a groom. 1.-3
mounted or riding on horseback -a7777 used for fastening horses. (-4 fastening fa hurried along by horses. 3T a. broad- of horses. - N. of a vegetable (Mar. 7 ).-13: chested like a horse. (2 ) the chief or principal 1 a kind of reed, Saccharum Spontaneum Lin. Mar. horse. - 1,- FT N. of a plant 3421741. -FI:, ale). -2 the tail or hair of a horne. Tu«. Ved. - FOTFi: 1 a kinil of tree (Vatica Robusta: Mar. 911, based on horses, standing on horses, i. e. on a carriage
1a) Rām. 1. 24. 15; Mal. 9. -2 the ear of a horse. drawn by horses; 374 agar Ry. 10. 8. 3. -3 a term in surgery for a particular fracture of the
Ta. Ved based on horses, having its origin in bones. (-OT:) N. of a mountain. Et a stable for horses wealth); distinguished by horses R. 1. 121. horses; . . - , a skilled in managing 17. - lightning -HETI A table of horses. horses. Fir: 1 N. of a bird. -2 a general of the HET [34fequat 9 ] the natural enmity buarmy of the wody. - 7 : [ 314 371 072 ar tween a horse and a buffalo. - AIT:, -ATTF:, - arti 14 gasta: Tv.] a kind of horse, mule. at: m. 'horse-destroying', a kind of Oleander, Nerium 1 a horse's hoof.-2 a kind of perfume. (- ) N. of the Odoru Ait. (Mar. tafe ). A : a kind of plant 379 f . fa f. 1 the pace of a horse. -2 N. serpent. -ge a. ( patu yafua yan ] having the of a metre containing four lines of sixteen syllables, head or face of a horse. (- ) a horse-faced creature, in each. TPOT [379 74
99 44*?:) Kimaror celestial choristor'; (ccording to N. of a plant Physalis Flexuona Lin; 4 a kind of others ) a kind of domigod distinct from the precediny. vil. -a: N. of a Buddhist teacher. Tiyati, --T4 (EN) a Kinara woman; fara 42 93: pair of horses. --Tigh: stable. fra: 1 N. of a Ku. I. II. * . : horse-stealer. -4: (372: demon who was a fou of Visnu. - a pasture for maar is fest, Hefe99] a horse-sacritice; horses. -1 19T: An officer in charge of the 1971: FT 19147148: Ms. 11. 260. ( Vedic fodder for the horses Rūj. T. 3. 489.-31T: N. of a times this sacrifice was performed by kings desirous Buddhist writer. -342 af 314727h1] 1 a of offspring; but subsequently it was performed only horse-bane. -2 N. of a kind of Oleander, Nerium Odorum by kings and implied that he who instituted it, was a Ait. (Mar.gia Fue) -774 1 a collection of horses. vonqueror and king of kings. A horse was turneri -2 a kind of wheel. - Taking care of a horse; 21- loose to wander at will for a year, attended by a
azt is yra ETA: (31A ) Rām. 1.396-7. guardian; when the horse entered a foreign coumtry, - a riding house. -
f i , au: a far- the ruler was bound either to submit or to fight. In rier, 3 veterinary surgeon. -facer farriery, veteri- this way the horse returned at the end of a year, nary science. -TIUTH 1 the motion of horses. -2 an the guardian obtaining or enforcing the submission of omon, auspicious or in auspicious. T 1: a kind of princes whom he brought in his train. After the contaur'; i creature having his lower limbs like those successful return of the horse, the rite called Asvaof a horsu. - T t. gaining horses by conquest. medha was performed amidst great rejoicings. It Ry. 2. 21. 1; 49% R Rv. 9. 59. 1. fragt: was believed that the performance of 100 such gram. -atern N. of a place of pilgrimage near sacrifices would lead to the attainmont of the seat Kanyakubja on the Ganga; 34741403 10 17- or world of Indra, who is, therefore, always repre991441 99 wria: ital Mb. 13. 6. 17 sented as trying to prevent the completion of the
4. giving horses; Ms. 1. 231. - the plant hundredth sacrifice. of. Ry. 1. 162-163 hymus; Tribulus Lanuginosus (mar; Mar. a). -, 1a Vāj. 22 seq.]°F1934 N. of the thirteenth book of
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