Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Hra: 92. -2 Meaning, sense, import, implied relate, narrate, speak of. -4 To proclaim, announce, sense of a word, passage &c. ;
91: such is ! confess; गुरुतल्प्यभिभाध्यैनस्तप्ते स्वप्यादयोमये Ms. 11. 103. the meaning intended, import of the passage &c.). T ATTUTH Speaking to, addressing, conversing with. -8 Opinion, belief. at Fi FH493 0 944
firfara a. Addressing, speaking to; speaking, Ms. 7. 57. -4 Relation, reference. -5 N. of Visņu.
i talking; feragat QTH R. 17. 31 whose words are a p. p. 1 Meant, aimed at, intended; desigued; preceded by a smile, speaking with a smile. 3121221 ; Hapa Bh. 3. 67; fach
Try 1 P. 1 To overcome, subdue, conquer, Pt. 1. -2 Wished, desired; ChetaH H. 1.
vanquish (of persons or things ); prevail over, -3 Approved, accepted; TOT 1901 at arise
predominate, defeat; hence) excel, surpass; 311449fa Rām. - 4 Dear or agreeable to, favourite with, beloved;
49: +4+ Ki. 10. 23; 344 furaha R. rafa: Dk. 42; S. 6. -5 Wishing. a4 Intellec
8.36; 4. 56; 6. 29, 16. 10; K. 52, 53; Mu. 3. 20; Ms. tual nature (AZ ); H1791904 Mb. 1. 23. 18.
T AS Harga Bg. 1. 40 predomiअभिप्रोक्षणम् Sprinkling upon.
nates over, over powers; so fa, fazo, 414° &c.
-2 To attack, seize or fall upon, assail; fatisf 72fag 4 A. 1 To go up to, jump or leap towards.
1944 Ki. 2. 14; 31+39 Tage R. 11. 16, 84; -2 To overflow; (fig.) affect, fill with, overwhelm ;
Bri. S. 33. 30; HATT Haty zar: S. 6 infested; 19TH a Mb.; Tragatarth Ms. 4. 41
a hitama FYPTO H TIA S. 1 attacked, troubled; being in her courses ; 44 asia al Y. 2. 50.-3 To
: Bk. 6. 117. -3 To humiliate, mortify, spring to or over, spring upon. -Caus. To wash or insult, disrespect; 3703HETHYLGT Pt. 1. -4 To go up to, ripple against.
turn to or towards (Ved.); 34747 u d aar faga: 1 Affliction, disturbance. -2 Inundation, af
var fara: Ry. 4. 31. 3.-5 To be victorious overflowing. -3 N. of a religious ceremony performed
or prosperous; yet7 371 91 292 Rv. 5. 37. 5. as part of the sacrifice T914 . -4 N. of the Prājā patya
-Caus. To overpower, surpass, defeat &c. Aditya.
f a: 1 Defeat, subjugation, subjection, overfaga u. 1 Overwhelmed; Hafaza Mb. powering;
a ginagamaa: Ki.6.34 4. 33. 1. -2 Affected; afzai ar atz :
(cf. K. 45 and the Bible " The wolf shall also dwell with the lamb" &c.); 8. 28;
59 P IETEMs. 4. 41.
za ntara fa S. 2.7 when assailed, opposed, overHTC A technical term in Rhetoric; 1990
powered by another energy; अभिभवः कुत एव सपत्नजः R. AT A : S. D. 375 'an inquiry or examination 9. 4. 4. 21. 2 Being overpowered T -8124 K. by an artifice'. Soe Ratn. 3.
346; being attacked or affected, stu petied (by fever &c.); T o
9: Susr. - 3 Contompt, disrespect; अभिबुद्धिः / An organ of apprehension, a बुद्धीन्द्रिय
fa 21121: : Bh. 2. 64. 4 Humiliation, or are (opp. He ); these are the eye, tongue,
mortification of pride ); 33+
2 7712415fa: Ku. 5. ear, nose, and skin.
43; K. 195. -5 Predominance, prevalence, rise, spread; STATUET 1 Breaking down. -2 One who breaks 31 H a ut gaufa fy: Bg. 1.41; Ki. 2. 37. down or destroys.
SITE Overpowering, overcoming, being subarea a. Derided Mb. 3. 33.
jected to or overpowered by; जर या चाभिभवनम् Ms.6.62. ITH 2 P. To glitter or shine; fera 17:48 521- afhaa Making victorious, overpowering. भिभाति Mb.
fraz ( ) Fi a. 1 Overpowering, defeating, TH Ved. [1 -31 ] 1 Apparition, phenome conquering: T atian
K. 170 fear which non; an inauspicious omen. मा त्वा का चिदभिभा विश्व्या विदत् conquered grief. -2 Surpassing, excelling; atsf**Rv. 2. 42. 1. -2 A calamity, state of being over- feat R. 1. 14; Ki. 11. 6. -3 Disrespecting, humiliating, powered. -3 Superiority.
-4 Attacking: STTHI a. Very heavy.
py, -7 Ved. 1 One who surpasses or prevails HIT 1 A. (P. in epic poetry) 1 To speak to,
over, a superior. -2 Pride ( IT); hema : address; talk or converse with with acc.); *
Mb. 1. 23. 18. H a at Ms. 2. 128; CFHTUT Ms. 4.
. That which defeats, conquers &c. fa: 57. sometimes with instr. also; -2 To speak, suy (as 1 Predominance, prevalence, excessive or superior power; qofth, : &c.); sfat 372197d so they say. -3 To d great 3 CHTST: Rv. 4. 38. 9. -2 Conquering,
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