Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
like an inuurtal.-T one of the 1000 names of Visnu. 374 is one of the 33 minor feelings or 314 a . -ATA N. of : lexicon. (said to be composed by the See S. D.; R. G. thus detines it: $71931fea 4same author as that of Amarakosa.) Tay a crystal.
1991 Touareg fastia*:. -2 Anger, TF: N. of Indrs. 714: the world of the gods, passion, wrath ; 922 e treda osta Ve. 2; CyfHheaven; ता heavenly bliss: नेषु सम्यग्वर्तमानो गच्छत्यमरलोकताम् । भयोग: Bg. 12. 15. सामर्ष angry, indignant; सामर्षम् Ms. 2. 5. - N. of a plant (3114ael). -HE: angrily. -3 Impetuosity, violence. --4 leterniination N. of the author of larki śa; he was a Jaina and is of purpose. -पों Intolerance; यत्र सङ्गीतसन्नादर्नदद्गुहममर्षया said to have been one of the gems that adorned the Bhag. 8. 2. 6. -Comp. -J7 a. arising from anger or court of king Vikramaditya. The dates of many of impatience. -ETA: an angry laugh, sarcastic sneer. these 'gems are still doubtful. -alt An Apsaras or :
TH1, -fia, -a, -faq a. 1 Impatient, intolonymph of heaven.
rant, unforgiving; fabricvie que tu af STATOTÆ Not dying, immortality.
gh Pt. 1. 326. -2 Angry, indiguant, passionate; 37TA1, -794 The state of the gods, immortality. El 14991: R. 3. 53; 3117-a la: 9°397: traat 3147-1, being changed to TT by P.
Ve. 1.-3 Impetuous, determined. VI.3. 119] 1 Abode of the gods, residence of Indra i 37 . [7, a.] 1 Free from dirt or impurities, (said to be above Meru or the sun's orb; cf. Ki. 7; 2); puro, undefiled, stainless, spotless; 95791427x: 1
a ngfar far tresreta saiad K. P. 1. (ata) Ku. 7. 32, 33; 944717 vayed By. 14. 14. -2 N. of a modern town in Borar, Amravati
3143: 42: Pt. 2. 171 pure, sincere. -2 White, bright, aften, -ha... Ved. Immortal.
shining; aanw.a974 Ku. 7. 23; R. 6. 80. -
1 N. of the goddess Laksmi. -2 The navel cord. -3 STA .. Immortal, divine, imperish: ble; asfa
N. of a tree Mar. 319 ) Emblica Officinalis Gaertn; 1.7. 53: 4794 heaven; PHT immortality: 7: A god.
also of a plant (1194) also #. in this sense. 441 -Comp. - TT the celestial river, epithet of the
arah Ch. Up. 1 Purity. -2 Talc. -3 The Ganges; Vikr. 18. 101. 494 The heaven. ay:
Supreme Spirit. -Comp. - HT a. Of pure or An Apsaras or : nymph of heaven; H qi grua
undefiled mind. : N. of a Bodhisattva. -qafia 99947: Ki. 6. 46.
m. ( ft) the wild goose; Ayefensafani gasija Si. 8. TH A goddess; * * *yat Kuval. 12. -TA, -Aft: a crystal.
TE:, --T F : N. of a king and poet who composed Tayfa Den. P. To make pure or spotless, bright100 verses which are usually known by the name en; 314254die aangeet Ki. 5. 4. अमरुशतक; प्रज्ञानवानमन्कम्य कवेः प्रसारश्लाकाछतं विवृणुतेऽर्जुनबर्मदेवः
tara. Clean, spotless, pure (morally alo); Amarut.
A aaari 7 sfaah Mal 2. 2. area.. Unthreshed, introdden, unsubdued.
#ra H Globe-amaranth. (Mar. 424 ) THÁT «. Ved. Not a vital organ or part of the
The Sec under 347. bodly, having no joint or vital part. 141afar faqatHAUT 292 Rx 3.32. 4. Comp. - a . not talacg «. 1 Going in different directions, up producerlin : vit: 1 org.af . not injuring the and down. -2 Immovable; 3710T 34771: *1 002: vital parts; muild, soft. afar 1. The state of not Rv. 10. 91. 11. inflicting severe injury on others, absence of acrimony
( 344-3447] 1 Disease. -2 Stupidity. -3 A (one of the thirtyfive Vag-ruuas of a Tirthankara).
fool. -4 Time. A Z ..[7. a.] 1 Exceeding due limits or bounds,
HUT . Not soft or bland, harsh, violent, transgressing every bound, disrespectful, improper ;
strony, intense. 14a: jazitar 4721 Pt. 1. 142: aigei ang na Rām. -2 Boundless, infinite. - Trans
THEAT . Curds. gression of due limits or bounds, impropriety of con
Ara. [71-*] Measureless. -iul. Ver. 1 At duct, forwarıiness, disrespect, violation of due respect. bome, in the house; H IT Ry. 2. 38. 6. -2 In
this world, hore below (3671). -3 With, near, close 37 . Not enduring or bearing. -: 1 Non
to; 3149191 agara endurance, tolerance, in patience: 37709
Bri. l'p. 1.5.20. -4 Together # víaca Rām. 1. 62. 33. 3479 74 qai 77
witli, in conjunction or company with, as in 314121, ART 7 faraz1: Ki. 1. 33 ; jealousy, jealous
31H11 q. v.; 31915 to draw near, have near oneself.
31H1 HE 419 = Nm. -1. 1 The day of the new moon, angor ; 14 19 HWF 1 : U. 5. In Rhet.
the day of the conjunction of the sun and moon; . §. th...
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