Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 198
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir अभिमरः 180 अभिमर्शक would be able to break through it, Abhimanyu | assured his uncles that he was ready to try, if they only assisted him. He accordingly entered the Vyuha, killed many warriors on the Kaurava side, and was for a time more than a match oven for such veteran and elderly heroes as Drona, Karna, Duryodhana &c. He could not, however, hold out long against fearful odds, and was at last over powered and slain. He was very handsome. He had two wivos, Vatsala daughter of Balarama and Uttarā daughter of the king of Virata. Uttar was pregnant when he was Blain and gave birth to a son named Pariksita who succeeded to the throne of Hastinā pura. ] -2 Name of .ason of Manu Chaksusa. -3 Name of two kings of Kashmir; Raj. T. -पुरम् -Name of a town. Raj. T. अभिमरः [ मृ-अच्] 1 Killing, destruction, slaughter. -2 War, combat. -3 Trenchery in one's own camn: danger from one's own men or party. -4 Binding, confinement; a tie or fetter. -5 One's own party or army. -6 Ome who desperately goes to fight with tigers, elephants &c. अभिमाति ३. [मे कर्तरि क्तिन् न इत्त्वम् ] 1 Insidious; स हिमा विश्वचर्षणिरभिमाति सहो दधे Rv.5.28.4. -2 Striving or seeking to injure, inimical. -fa: .1 Seeking to injure, hurting, plotting against. -2 An enemy, a foe. अभिमातिन् । [मे-क्त, इष्टादिभ्यः इन्] 1 Insidious%3 बाधन्ते विश्वमभिमातिनम् Rv. 1.85.8. -2 One who hurts or injures, an enemy. अभिमाय . [आभगतो मायामविद्याम् ] Bewildered (इतिकर्तव्यतामूढ); ignorant, foolish. अभिमि (मे) ह्य. Ved. To be wetted (by making water upon ). अभिमुख..(-खी/.)[अभिगतं मुखं यस्य अभेर्मुखम् P. VI.2. 185 / 1 With the face turned or directed towards, in the direction of, towards, turned towards, facing: अभिमुखे मयि संहृतमीक्षितम् 5.2.12.°खा शाला Sk. गच्छन्नभिमुखो वहीं नाशं याति पतवत् Pt. 1. 2373; with the acc.; राजानमेवाभिमुखा निषेदुः : पम्पामभिमुखो ययौ Ram.: Bg.11.28; K. 264; sonmetimes with dat., or gen. or luc.; आश्रमायाभिमुखा बभूवः Mb.: यस्ते निष्ठेदभिमुखे रणे Ram.; मध्यभिमुखीभूय Dk. 121: also in comp. शकुन्तलाभिमुखो भूत्वा S. 1 turning towards S.; Ku. 3. 75, 7. 9. -2 Coming or going near, appronching nour or close at hand; अभिमुखीष्विव वाञ्छितसिद्धिषु वजन नितिमेकपदे मनः V.2.9.: यौवनाभिमुखी संजज्ञे Pt.43; TE. 17.40. -3Disposed or intending to, inclined to; ready for, about to do something ), in comp.; चन्द्रापीडाभिमुखहृदया K. 198,2333; अस्ताभिमुखे सूर्य Mu.4.19%; प्रसादाभिमुखो वेधाः प्रत्युवाच दिवौकसः Ku.2.1635.60%3U.7.4, Mal. 10.183; कर्मण्याभिमुखेन स्थेयम् Dk. 89; अनभिमुखः सुखाना K.45% प्रातः प्रयाणाभिमुखाय तस्मै R.5.29; निद्रा चिरेण नयनाभिमुखी बभव 81 Rometimes as first member of comp. in this sense; फलमभिमुखपाकं राजजम्बुद मस्य; V. 1.27. -4 Favourable, friendly or favourably disposed; 311-14 झटिति घटयनि विधिरभिमतमभिमुखीभूतः Ratn. 1.6. -5 Taking one's part, nearly related to. 6 With the face turned upwards. -ख: Forepart (अग्र); तस्येषुपाताभिमुखं (विसृज्य) Bhag. 9. 6. 18. -Teil One of the 10 earths according to Buddhists. -खम्,-खे ind. Towards, in thedirection of, facing, in front or presence of, near to; with acc., gen. or in comp. or by itself'; स दीप्त इव कालाग्निज्वालाभिमुख खगम् Ram.5.67. 12. आसीताभिमुखं गुरोः Ms.2. 193%3B तिष्ठन्मुनेराभिमुखं स विकीर्णधाम्नः Ki. 2.59: Si. 13.23 Ki.6. 463 नेपथ्याभिमुखमवलोक्य S. 1; स पुराभिमुखं प्रतस्थे Pt.33 Me. 70; कर्ण ददात्यभिमुखं मयि भाषमाणे S. 1. 30; also at the beginning of comp.; अभिमुखनिहतस्य Bh.2.112 killed in the front ranks of battle. आभिमुखता 1 Presence, proximity. -2 Favourableness; "तां नी to win over. मुनिमभिमुखतां निनीषवो याः समुपययुः कमनीयतागुणेन Ki. 10.40. अभिमुखीकृ, -मुखयति To propitiate, win over: अथ भूतभव्यभवदीशमभिमुखयितुं कृतस्तवाः Ki. 12. 19; K. P.2. ___ अभिमुखीकरणम् Causing (one) to turn the face towards ; speaking to, addressing in gram.): 491 491Hभिसुखीकरणम्. अभिमुर्छित . Utterly confused, bewildered. अभिमृद् 1 P. To erush by standing, tread under foot, trample down; oppress, devastate (as a country). -2 ( In astr.) To contend against, oppose, be im opposition. अभिमर्दः 1 Rubbing, friction. -2 Crushing down, trampling down; कृतोऽभिमर्दः कुरुभिः प्रसह्य Mb.8.269.8. -3 Ravage, devastation of a country ( by an enemy). -4 War, battle. कथं शक्ष्यामहे ब्रह्मन् दानवैरभिमर्दनम् Mb. 12.209. 12. -5 Spirituous liquor. अभिमर्दन .. Crushing down, oppressing. -नम् Crushing, oppression. अभिमृश् 6 P. To touch (in all senses); colne in contact with strike or rub gently: अभि प्रियाणि मर्मशत् पगणि Rv.3.38.1; पदाभिमुष्ट, वचसा, पादतले, गदा". अभिमर्शः, -र्शनम, -मर्षः, -पर्णम् 1 Touch, contact ; उष्णांशुकराभिमर्षात् si.1.16. -2 Assault ; violence, attack; सर्वतः समुपेतस्य तव तेनाभिमर्षणम् Ram.6.111.8. -3 0utraging, touching Garmally, sexual intercourse ; कृताभि4914944HT: S. 5. 20 carnally touched or embraced, seduced, outraged : पराभिमशों न नवास्ति Ku..13 (Malli = परधर्षणम्); परदाराभिमशंषु प्रवृत्तान् Ms. 8.852, 1.2.284. (v.1. अवमर्शनम् ). ef. also आत्मानं मृगमद्दिश्य भ्रातृदाराभिमर्शनम् । Abhiseka. 1.20. नस्य दाराभिमर्शन कथं दण्ण्योऽस्मि राघव । Abhiseka l. 21 ___ अभिमर्शक, -र्षक, -मर्शिन्, -र्षिन् ४. 1 Touching, coming in contact with. -2 Outraging; assaulting, For Private and Personal Use Only


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