Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
..... . ............ 10 A. To love, desire ; *: *121*
I 1 P. 1 To cry out at, call out to. -2 To FT -cha Dk. 88; 2
#144. Ki. 18. 23.
call out (to one) in a scolding manner; 34721-241 TRÀFIA ... [ 44-33 or 3 2G: # 72) Affection 1 INT: Mb. 3 To weep over, lament with tears, ato, loving, desirous, wishing for, T2471FFTHAT bemoan.
7: I (164) Mb. 6. 76. 2. lustful, with the object ST T : 1 Calling out, crying. -2 Ruviling, of love in ace. or in comp. ; È CATHTATEA Mb. censure.
#14747 91911 Bhag. 7. 9. 28. -# 1 Affec- T I T: 1 One who calls out; a reviler, calumtion, love. -2 Wislı, desire. - ini. Longingly, with
niator. -2 A herald. desire.
S era. Ved. A murderer, lailler, destroyer. T a a Voluntary; va feritoa: et regas
TATTE a. [49-317] Ved. A destroyer; 312214HAFT4 Bhāg. 2. 10. 25.
Hoi gà 94 Rv. 6. 50. 1.; giving without being asked (?) 1677 1 A. To shake o tremble violently. -Cans
S T T 6 P. 1 To throw or fling at (as the lash 1 To stir, shake. -2 To allure, entice.
of a whip at a horse); to insult. -2 To excel; affa4f a h Shaking violently; alluring.
THAT Travi qaaf144 Bk. 8. 51. TOTH A farming implement; Mb. 3.
safera p. p. Thrown, surpassed. THIEST 1 U. 1 To ask, request; long for, wish THEAT 2 P. Ved. 1 To see, perceive, view. -2 To or desire for
be gracious, look graciously. -Caus. ( ... 27a) S FINT Wish, desire, longing.
To tell, declare, make known, proclaim ; &27
area: Dk. 136; 171; Ms. 8. 205, 9. 262. 37 fra a. Longing, wishing: (aaaa:) 13: wa f flefT: Ms. 4.91.
f ra. [ ft 9 ] Going towards; well-known,
celebrated. - [ 21-312 ] 1 ) Splendour, beauty, STS U. 1 To make, render, do; a aa
lustre; W
C 1 : 1 : R. 1. 46; f : Mb. -2 To do with reference to, for the sake
T a gufa Fara Me. 82; Ku. 1. 43: of, or in behalf of. -3 To procuro, got, obtain, effect.
7. 18. (b) A gracious look; 311 999 TOTH 1 Effecting, doing. -2 A charm, Rv. 10. 112. 10. () Look, view, appearance, aspect incantation.
(Ved.). -2 Telling, declaring. -3 Calling, addressing. fa: f. N. of a metre containing 100 syllables.
-4 A name, appellation. 5 A word, synonym.
-8 Famo, glory; notoriety (in a bad sense ); greatrata. (..Orar: /.raft) Magical; a magi
ness HE44). -7 Intellect Nir.). 3f f f-HIETcian or spirit.
FHA are 24 Nm. 37*2 a. [
14** W Haughty, STT TETT Become or made known; celebrated ; very powerful aru) (as an onomy ), 379199 atas- #9: Y. 3. 300. FTTH Rv. 3. 34. 10.
STHETIC . Ved. Looking, supervising, SuperinSTRA 1 P. To shout at, roar at; neigh at. tending: Rv. 4. 17. 17. Tf : A shout, roar.
fela Fame, Glory. STT U., P. 1 To step or go near to THTH 1 P. 1 To go to, go near to, approch approuch; तमाभेकम्य सर्वऽद्य वयं चार्थामहे वसु Mb. -2 To roam with acc.); faigua 4: R. 15. 59; Ki. 10. 21; over, wander, pass or walk over. -3 To attack, assail, haar 4 €14: Ms. 1. 1; 11. 100. -2 To fall upon. -4 To undertake, bogin; to set about, pre- follow; go after; अनुरागाइने रामं दिष्टया त्वमभिगच्छसि Ram. pare; TH2 771 Rāin. -Caus. To bring near.
-3 To find; meet with (casually or by chance ). T .: 1 Beginning, attempting, an undertaking; 1-4 To cohabit; have sexual intercourse with man or
Halit i faca Bg. 2. 40.-2 A deter- woman); ftatu at alat ar aara Y. 2. 205; mined attack or onset, assault, onslaught. -3 Ascend- 377477723: qfa ya TH9 Mb.-5 To take to, undertake, ing, mounting
betake oneself to. -6 To get, to share in; be subject to; TFF ,-Fifa: f. Approaching, attacking
FATHI: Rām.-7 To conceive, apprehend, understand, &c. = अभिक्रम a bove; पुण्ड्रदेश° Dk. 92.
comprehend. -Caus. 1 To cause to go to or approach ;
take, convey; send: Dk. 102. -2 To cause to apprefarfar. [ ] 1 One who has approach
hend; explain, teach. ed or undertaken or begun. -2 Skilled or versed in,
T e a. One who approaches or has intercourse conversant with with loc.).
( with a woman); one who understands &c. 8. $. ...
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