17. Arcata :
Arcata is known by another name Dharmākaradatta?. He is the author of three works : Hetubindu Tikā, Kşanabhangasiddhi and Pramānadvayasiddhi. In the opinion of Tārānātha, Dharmākaradatta was preceptor of Dharmottara. Dr. Vidyābhușanao assigns him to 700 A.D.
Rāhulji first assigned him to 825 A.D. in Vādanyāya3 but relying on Tibetan tradition he changed that date and has suggested it to be 700 A.D.4 Futher he mentions that Dharmottara was his disciple. Pt. Sukhalalji assigns him to the last part of 7th c. A.D. and early part of 8th c. A.D.5; the age 700-725 as inferred by Rahulji and Panditji, is supported by Akalanka's (720-780 A.D.) reference to "sāmānyavi şayā vyāptih tadvisiştānumiteriti", in his SVT p. 177. Anantavīrya comments on this: 'Sāmānya ityādi
Arcatamatamādüşayitń śarkate” implying that Akalanka is criticising the views of Arcața.
It can, therefore, be maintained that Arcața might have been a contemporary of Akalanka.
18. Sāntabhadra :
Pt. Dalasukh Mālvania has proved, with evidences, that śāntabhadra had written a commentary on Nyāyabindu.6 Dharmottar subjects to criticism the views of Sāntabhadra and Vinitadeva; Dharmottara is placed in 700 A.D. naturally, Sāntabhadra can be said to be his elder contemporary.?
Akalanka refutes the theory of mānasa pratyakșa held by Sāntabhadra, in NV. (1. 161-2) as :
"antarenedamaksānubhūtam cet na vikalpayet,
santānāntaravac-cetah samanantarameva kim.” This is attested by Vädirāja’s reference to Sântabhadrastvāha', while commenting upon this śloka. Further, SVT (p. 129) also refers to ‘atrāha Sāntabhadrah'8. Akalanka himself quotes Sāntabhadra and criticises him.
1 Hetubindu Tīkā p. 233. 2 HIL. p. 331. 3 Vādanyāya, A. M. 4 Pramāņavārtikālankāra, Intro. p. 7. 5 Hetubindu, Intro. p. 12. 6 Dharmottarapradīpa Intro. p. 52. 7 Vide Hindi Intro. p. 33.
8 ibid.
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