Against the background of this brief analysis, it can be surmised that Dharmakirti might have lived during 625-650 A.D.; this time limit can be rightly extended from 620-690 A.D. This explains Yuwan Chwang's silence about Dharmakirti and reference by I-Tsing and Tārānātha's contention that Tibetan king Srongtsan Gum Po (629-685) was the contemporary of Dharmakirti. There is hardly any doubt about the fact, that Akalarika imbibes the method, style and the spirit of Dharmakirti's criticism of other schools of thought, which is attested by several quotations from all the works of Dharmakīrti in his own vast literaturel.
15. Jayarāśi Bhatta :
In the Introduction to Tattvopaplavasimha (TPS) the date of Jayarāśi, the author of TPS is fixed by Pt. Sukhalalji as not later than eighth century A.D., on the strength of the references to Jayarāśi and TPS by Anantavirya and Vidyānanda in their respective works; and, later on he assigned him to the period of 725-825 A.D.2 According to Panditji, the TPS is not referred to by Akalarka, Haribhadra and others belonging to the later period of 8th c. A.D. ; nor do we find any indirect suggestion of them in TPS. But, admitting that TPS is not clearly referred to by Haribhadra, we see that there is a clear reference to TPS in SVV of Akalanka—Bahirantasca-upaplutam (SVV IV. 12). Commenting on this, Anantavīrya, in his SVT., refers to TPS and also its author Jayarāśi4. Hence the upper limit of TPS is not later than the first quarter of 8th c. A.D. This conclusion is supported by other sources also. Dharmakirti attempts to establish the identity of happiness and knowledge, in his PV (III. 252) :
"tadatadrūpino bhāvāh tadatadrūpahetujāh,
tatsukhādi kimajñānam vijñānābhinnahetujam”. On the basis of this very argument Jayarāśi has established the identity of rūpa and jnāna, and has inserted the word 'rūpādi' in the place of “sukhādi in the said Kārikā.
Prajñākara has given a reply to Jayarāśi, in his Pramāņavārtikālankāra (p. 313) citing the altered Kārikā of Jayarāśi in this way :
"anena etadapi nirastamtadatadrūpino bhāvāh tadatadrūpahetujā”,
tadrūpadi kimajñānam vijñānābhinnahetujam”. 1 Tattvopaplavasimha, Intro. p. 10. 2 Bhāratiya Vidya, vol. II, No. 1. 3 Vide Hindi Intro. pp. 28-29. * Tattvopaplavakaranāt Jayarāfih saugatamatamavalambya brīyāt tatrāha--svasamvedana
ityādi—SVT, p. 278.
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