Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-Comp. - 2: a kind of mixture for curing diar. rhwa &c.). -GT4 cloves.
Agata a. Acceptable.
afea. 1 Taking, accepting. -2 Unyielding, relentless, obstinate; न निशाखिलयापि वापिका प्रससाद ग्रहिलेव मानिनी N. 2. 77.
gta a: 1 To be taken, seized or received, acceptable. -2 To be taken up or drawn (as a fluid). - To be apprehended or perceived, to be learnt or acquired.
Z a. (sit f.) (96-27 51 18:] 1 A taker, an accepter; as in T ela q. v. - 2 Perceiver, observant; Ms. 1. 15. -3 Debtor; aetar u aag: Ferari na 849: Ms. 8. 166. - 4 Purchaser. -5 One who seizes ; Svet. Up. 3. 19.
are a. ( f.) [PE Hà 99 ) Seizing, clutching; taking, bolding, receiving &c. -&: 1 Seizing, grasping; gragg a Rām. 7. 34. 20.-2 A crocodile, shark; ragadt Bh. 3. 45. - A prisoner. - Accepting. -8 Understanding, knowledge.-8 Persistence, importunity; na hata fauna 4 Rām. 2. 35. 18. - Determination, resolve; CHIETICHET fear fud a9: Bg. 17. 19. -8 A disease. -9 Any large fish or marine animal: TTCIT ET ETUI 52718217 Mb. 3. 178. 28; Ki. 13. 24. -10 Morbid affection, disease. -11 Beginning, undertaking. -12 The handle of a sword &c.). -13 Paralysis. - A female crocodile.
ATCH ind. (At the end of comp.) Taking, seizing; af 91 TEIST V.1.
alka . (ref.) [477] 1 One who receives, takes &c. -2 Captivating, persuading; tgh.
64 (1994) Mb. 12. 113. 7. - 1 A hawk, falcon. -2 A curer of poison. -3 A purchaser. -4 A policeofficer.
916 TH Sensibility, power of feeling; Māl. 1. 41.
ग्राहिः 1 A female evil spirit; ग्राहिर्जग्राह यदि वैतदेनम् Rv. 10. 161. 1. -2 A swoon.
afea a. Made to take or seize; made to accept or take a seat &c.); darot #1274 279 aleat Farah Ks. 51. 71.
aft a. & for ] 1 Seizing, taking, holding. -2 Picking, gathering. -3 Containing. -4 Drawing, attracting, alluring. -5 Obtaining, gaining. - Searching through, scrutinizing. - Choosing, selecting. -8 Perceiving, observing. - 9 Accepting. -10 Astringent. -11 Obstructing. -12 Purchasing; He 96 Ks. 57. 20. -m. The wood-apple tree. -off Adverse fate ( past).
प्राहुक . Seizing, laying hold of'; उदावर्तः प्रजा पाहुकः FHFT Ts. 6. 4. 1. 1.
10 a. [96041 ] 1 To be taken or seized &c., see 98. -2 To be understood; sfama: Ms. 1. 7. -3 Acceptable; सा सेवा या प्रभुहिता ग्राह्या वाक्यविशेषत: Pt. 1.46. -3 To be received in a hospitable manner. - To be admitted in evidence; a RE laki Ms. 8. 78. 94 1 A present. -2 The object of sensual perception. -: An eclipsed globe sun or moon).
ATA: (99- 31%ae: ] 1 A village, hamlet; Ta विद्यमानेऽपि ग्रामे रत्नपरीक्षा M. 13; त्यजेदेकं कुलस्यार्थे ग्रामस्याथै कुलं 27 91 yetur vara gratis II H. 1. 129; R. 1. 44; Me. 30. 2 A race, community ; # a qese Rv. 10. 146.1.-3 A multitude, collection of anything); e. y. TUTA, PATA; Bg. 8. 19; 9. 8. Tala
fag: Bm. 1. 611, 613.-4 A gamut, scale in music; alhacama ta Si. 1. 10. -Comp. -378792fo: a villa ge archioist; Hch. 7. 23. -34ferai, -31879:, -profa:, -3877, T, Tat: superintendent, head, chief of a villa ge; TH1944 aufth BUT HT Ks. 64. 115; Ms. 7. 115. : the border of a village, space near a villa ge; Ms. 4. 116; 11. 78. -Facy another village. - - the neighbourhood of a village. - a. situated in the neighbourhood of a village, Ms. 8. 240. -7 space near a village. -3TT: a village custom. -आधानम् hunting. -उपाध्यायः the village priest. I 1' the villa ge-pest', one who is a source of trouble to the village. -2 a tale bearer. - a. 1 one wishing to take possession of a village. -2 fond of living in villages. -1477 a village scribe.
***: a domestic cock; Ms. 5. 12, 19. AIT: 1 one beautiful in a village. -2 a village-boy. : 1 the noblest man in a village. -2 a Sudra. a. being outside a village. -TUF: a village-carpenter.
Tiga: the herdsman of a village. -ara: plundering a village; Ms. 9. 274. - a. sounding among men or armies as a drum); 456 ay ara Ay. 5. 20. 9. -m. an epithet of Indra. Tu sexual intercourse: ( a ). -art: a sacred fig-tree of a village;
ETTE FARAHAT: Me. 23. -3, -Ha a. 1 village-born, rustio. -2 grown in cultivated ground; Ms. 6. 16. - FITCH a number of villages, a district. -oft: 1 the leader or chief of a village or community; a H a ugen: Mb. 7. 109. 3. -2 a leader or chief in general. -3 a barber. -4 an epithet of Visnu. -5 a libidinous man. -8 a yaksa; 39afa te FTTT STATUUT T 14: Mb. 12. 11. 48. (-f.) 1 a whore, harlot. -2 the indigo plant. '97: a bastard, the son of a harlot. -2: a village-carpenter; P. V. 4. 95. -देवता the tutelary deity of a village. -द्रुमः a sacred tree in a village. - 1 the observances or customs of a village. -2 sexual intercourse. -EP a cutlivated grain (like rice); 1992791 TL 791 Faks: Mb. 12.36.48. See 5+241778.-10: 1 the guardian of a village. -2 army for the protection of a village. -964
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