Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 32
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1883. sequently, the " ornament of the Nathakula" attained móksha 605 years before the Saka era. The Svêtâmbaras place this event 470 years before the era of Vikrama. And the difference between the two eras is 135 years. And 470 + 135 = 605 (before the Saka era) 605 - 78=527 B. C. 470 + 57 = 527 B.C. I have omitted the fractions, as they do not affect my general conclusions. I have thus proved that the Digambaras of the Karnataka are perfectly at one with the Svêtâmbaras on this important point. I must say just a word in regard to the Srávakáchára. It is called Maghanandi-Srávakáchára, because Mâghanandi wrote the first chapter. The remaining chapters, however, were composed by different authors whose names are mentioned. At the beginning of the fifth chapter, Maghanandi himself is thus praised :_ नमो नत्रजनानंदस्यंदिने माघणं दिने जगत्यसिद्धसिद्धांतवेदिने चित्प्रमोदिने । But the question of the authorship of the Sravakách dra has no bearing whatever on the date of Mahavira himself. Transcription. Mattam=i Vardhamâna-tirthakara-kalado! Gautama-Sudharma-Ja mbûnåthar = erb zivaranubaddha-kêvaligala kalam aruvatt-eradu varsham 62 | Namdi-Namdimitra-AparajitaGovardhana - Bhadrabâ hugal-emb rayvara śruta-kêvaļigaļa kalam nûra varsham | 100 || Mattam Visakhanom | Prôshthilanum Kshatriyanum | Jayanum | Naganum | Siddharthanum | Dhritishênanum | Vijayanum | Buddhilanum Gamgadêvanum Sadharmanum=erba daśa-pûrva-dhara'r-aikâdaśara kålam nûr-em- bhatta-mûra varsham=akkum Mattam Nakshatranum | Jayapaļanum Påmduvum | Drumasê. nanum Kusumbâchâryanum-end-Okadas-Arnga-dhara-pamchakara kala-pramaram=imûr. ippattu varisam 220 | Mattam=i-tirthakarasamtinadolu Subhadranum | Yasôbhadranur Yakobi huvum Lôhabha-nâmanum=embechar. Arnga[-dhara)-chatushtayada kalan | nuru-hadinemtu varisan | 118 Imt=i Gautam-Adigala kalam-ellam kûdi aru'nûr-embhatta-mûru varisam-akkuin | Mattam=char-amgadharim balikka säsirada tombhatt-êlaneya Paridhavi sam • An additional ra is inserted here by mistake. * This is the only instance in which the old Canarese rooours in this passage. batsarada Jyêshtha suddha Sruta-pamchamiya dinam=i Śrâvakáchåra-śrutam pratishthitam= Aytu || Antu sâsirad=êļu-nûr-embhatta varisam akkum || 1780 Mumd=imnu Vira-svå miya kala hattombhattu säsiradim úr-ippattu varisaṁ || 19220 || pravarttisagu || ....... ..............|| Mattam Vira-Jina muktan-kdim baļikkam-arunûr-aydu varisam aydu tirgal-amdu | 605 | tim 5 Sakarājam puttidam. Maghanandi-Śrávakáchára, Chap. II. Translation. And in the period of this Tirthankara Vardhamâna, there flourished the Kévalis named Gautama, Sudbarma, and Jambûnatha; their time was sixty-two years,-62. Then there were five Srutakévafis named Nandi, Nandimitra, Aparajita, Gôvardhana, and Bhadrabâ hu ; their time was a hundred years,-100. And (then) there were eleven masters of the ten púrvas, named Visakha, Proshthila, Kshatriya, Jaya, Naga, Siddhartha, Dhritishồna, Vijaya, Buddhila, Gangadêva, and Sudharma ; their time was a hundred and eighty-three years. And (then) there were five masters of the eleven angas, named Nakshatra, Jayapala, Pandu, Drumasēna, and Kusumbậe hârya; their time was two hundred and twenty years, -220. And during the period assigned to this tirthakara, there flourished also Subhadra, Yaśôbhadra, Yasobáhu, and Lohabha, the four masters of the acháránga; their time was a hundred and eighteen years,-118. Thus the whole period, including the time of Gautama and others, was six hundred and eighty-three years. And on the Srutapanchami, in the bright half of Jyêshtha, in the Paridhavi sariwatsara, being the thousand and ninety-seventh year from the time of the masters of the acháránga, this work on the conduct of the laity was worshipped. Thus from Vira) there were a thousand seven hundred and eighty years,-1780. The time which the era of Virasvâmi (will) yet (continue) is nineteen thousand two hundred and twenty years, 19220 And the Saka king was born when six hundred and five years and five months, -605 (years) five months-had passed away since ViraJin a attained môksha. The whole period of Vira's era, therefore is 19220 + 178021000 years. Conf. Tata Tate E OF TH.-Trilokasdra.


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