down girs.vital sana,
246 ina and . 263; 62: food
no food
are not eaters of oblations, 185; without them no dwelling-place becomes pure, 186; they are neither in the sky nor on earth, but whatever breathes therein, 186; connects head with body, 188; in the head fivefold (mind, speech, breath, eye, ear), 190; (prâna, breath) is one of the five divisions of vital air (prâna) in the head, 190; eight" limbs and eight prânas, 190; vital airs kindle (the body), 105; the vital airs are the immortal part of the body, 292; how they are represented in the layers of the altar (Pragâpati's body), 292 seq.; by the prâna gods eat food, by the apâna men, 295; are the perfect (sâdhya, blessed) gods, 304; vital air is the light of the body, 326; a hundred and one in the body, 326; is not the immortal element, but something uncertain, 327; are the seven metres, 327-330; vital airs consume him who is hungry and feverish,347,348; breath evolved from speech, and from it the eye, 377; triad-Agni, Aditya, Prâna---are the eater, the Arka, the Uktha, the Purusha, 398, 399 ;-Vâyu, on entering man, is divided into the ten vital airs, V, 3; âsya, 'the breath of the mouth,'--therefrom the gods created, 13; from the down- ward breathing (avâna) the Asuras, 13; downward breath- ing abhorred by other breathings, but in it everything that enters the others meets, 19; prana (breath of mouth) is the eater of food, udana (of the nose) fills man, and (of the eyes, ears, &c.) is the giver of food, 31; prâna and apâna move in a forward and a backward direction respectively, 43; pråna entering udâna and reversely, 83; vyâna entering uda - na, 84; central prâna belongs to Indra, 121; with five breathings (prana, vyâna, apana, udana, samana) five Brahmanas (or the father himself) to breathe over
child (before navel-string has been cut) to ensure long life, 129, 130; two downward (avâna) breathings and udâna (by which men rise, ud-yanti), 165; two, five, six, seven, twelve, or thirteen, 168 ; prâna and ana, each equal to the twinkling of the eye, 169; 10,800 breathings of man in day and night, 170; prâna and udâna, moving downward and upward, 230; all vital airs established on speech, 246; all vital airs established on prâna and udâna, 262; etymology (pra-ni), 263; nostrils are the path of prâna, 263; food eaten by prâna is pervaded by vyâna, and its essence shed as seed, 264; vital airs of him who speaks impure speech pass away, 326; the mind (soul) their over
lord, 504. pranabhrit, bricks, are the vital
airs, IV, 1; how placed, 2; laid down by tens, 3; etymology, 12; are the limbs, 13;-of second layer, 23, 33 seq. ;-ten of third layer, 51; are the moon (being food as making
up a virág), 54. pranitab, lustral water, is the head
of the sacrifice, V, 35, 492; at the hariryagña, 119; etymology,
270. prasalavi. See pradakshinam. prastava,- prastà va and nidhana, IV,
145, 146. Prastotri, a horse his fee at Dasapeya,
III, 119; under Udgåtri, V, 136. prâtaranuvāka, III, introd. xviii;
IV, 249; of Atirâtra superseded by Asvina-sastra, but is to be repeated in a low voice by
Maitråvaruna, V, 92, 93. Pratidarsa Aibhâvata (king of the
Svikna), as authority on the
Sautramanî, V, 239. Pratihartri, priest, is under Udgâtri,
V, 137. Prâtipiya. See Balhika. Pratiprasthầtri, III, 111; gold mir
ror his fee at Dasapeya, 119; is under Adhvaryu, V, 137; offers the cups of Sura-liquor on the Southern of the two
rátra trodne
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