kaví-kratu, having the mind of a
sage, thoughtful, I, 1, 5; III,
3, 4; 14, 7; 27, 12; V, 11, 4. kavi-kbád, showing himself as a sage,
TII, 12, 3! kavi-tama, the highest sage, 111, 14, 1. kavi-prasastá, praised by sages, V, 1,8. kavi-sastá, praised by the sages, III,
21, 4; 29, 7. kavyátà, wisdom, 1, 96, 2. ka : kayamânab, finding pleasure,
III, 9, 2. See kan. kāmya, of love: dugdhám ná kámyam,
V, 19, 4! kârá, race: bhagam ná kâré, I, 141,
10 ;-triumph: abhí karám
arkan, IV, 1, 14. kârú, singer, I, 31, 8; 9; 148, 3;
11, 2,9; III, 6, 1. kávya, quality of a sage, wisdom,
1, 72, 1'; 96, I; II, 5, 3; III, 1, 8; 17; 18; IV, 3, 16; 11,
3; V, 3, 5. kashtbå, pl., the (aerial) arena, 1, 59,
6; race-course, I, 146, 5. klyat, however small, IV, 5, 6. kiri, poor, humble, '1, 31, 138; V,
4, rol. Kista: Kistãsab, the Kistas, I, 127,7'. kúpaya, agitating, I, 140, 3. kumârá, prince, IV, 15, 7-10; bo
V, 3, 14; 2. kulisa, axe, III, 2, 1. Kusika, pl., the Kusikas, III, 26, 11;
3; 39, 15. kakit-arthin, striving for all that is
desired, IV, 7, 6. kri, to make, &c.: yagiám krinotana,
I, 13, 12; krinuhi, I, 31, 8; kridhí nab râyé, help us to wealth, III, 15, 38; krinoti devãn mártyeshu, he conveys the gods to the mortals, I, 77, I'; kárikratab, displaying, i, 140, 5'; kritáh (read parish- kritab?), adorned, I, 141, 8!; dhiya kakre, 111, 27,9'; krantab, IV, 2, 14 ; Skarma te, we have done our work for thee, IV, 2, 19;- áram karat, he may readily serve, II, 5, 8; urú kakrire, they have made wide room for, I, 36, 8; satra kakrânáb, 1,72,1;—å krinóshi, thou givest, 1, 31, 7; & krinudhvam, bring hither, I, 77, 1 ;-ápa &
kridhi, drive away, III, 16, 58 ; -ní kab, he has brought down (i. e. surpassed), 1,72,1' ;- parikrita, made ready, III, 28, 2; sám akrinvan tégase, they bave sharpened, III, 2, 10; see
krânã. kridhú, weak, IV, 5, 14. krip: akripran, they have pined,
IV, 2, 18. kríp, body, I, 127, 1; 128, 2. krishtí, human race, I, 36, 19; 59,
5; 74, 2; 189, 3 ;-tribe, clan, V, 1, 6; 19, 3:- dwelling, IT,
2, 10. krishna, black, I, 58, 4; 73, 7;
141, 88; krishnab vrishabháb, I, 79, 2; darkness, I, 140, 5; krishnası, in the dark nights,
III, 15, 3. krishna-adhvan, whose path is black,
II, 4, 6. krishna-gamhas, speeding on his
black way, I, 141, 7. krishna-prúta, immersed in dark
ness, I, 140, 3. krishna-vyathi, with a black trail,
11, 4,7? krishna-ssta, drawing black furrows,
1, 140, 4. klip: kakripanta dhibhib, they
chanted their prayers, IV, 1, 14. kéta, desire, I, 146, 3. . ketú, light, shine, splendour, I, 36,
14; IV, 7, 4; 14, 1; V, 7, 4; ketúm usráb, 1, 71, 78; - ketu, beacon, banner, I, 27, 12; IU, 1, 17; 2, 14; V, 11, 3; vidá. thasya, I, 60, 1; yaghiásya, I, 96, 6; 127, 6; III, II, 3; 29, 5; V, 11, 2; yagaanâm, III, 3, 3; adhvarásya, III, 8, 8; adh
varanâm, III, 10, 4. kévala, alone, 1, 13, 10. kesín, long-haired, I, 140, 8; long
maned, III, 6, 6. krátu, power of mind, wisdom, I,
65, 9; 67, 3; 68, 3; 69, 2; 73, 2; 77, 3'; 128, 4; 141, 6; 9; 143, 2; 145, 2; 11, 5, 4; III, 2, 3; 6,5; 9, 6; 11, 6; IV, 5, 7; 10, 1; 2; 12, 1; V, 10, 2; 17, 4;-mind, I, 66, 59; will, Í, 68, 9°; fti krát vâ, with this intention, IV, 1,1';-power, 1, 127, 9; 128, 5; III, 1, 5'.
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