Creatures sprung from heat are included in the third term—viz. that which springs from a germ-which is exbibited in the text quoted. The settled conclusion therefore is that the evil-doers do not go to the moon.Here terminates the adhikarana of those who do not perform sacrifices.'
22. There is entering into similarity of being with those, there being a reason.
The text describes the manner in which those who perform sacrifices, and so on, descend from the moon as follows: 'They return again that way as they came, to the ether, from the ether to the air. Then having become air they become smoke, having become smoke they become mist,' &c. The doubt here arises whether the soul when reaching ether, and so on, becomes ether in the same sense as here on earth it becomes a man or other being, or merely becomes similar to ether, and so on. The former view is the true one; for as the soul in the sraddhå state becomes the moon, so it must likewise be held to become ether, and so on, there being no reason for a difference in the two cases.—This primâ facie view the Satra sets aside. The descending soul enters into similarity of being with ether, and so on; since there is a reason for this. When the soul becomes a man or becomes the moon, there is a reason for that, since it thereby becomes capacitated for the enjoyment of pain and pleasure. But there is no similar reason
for the soul becoming ether, and so on, and hence the state.ment that the soul becomes ether, and so on, can only mean that, owing to contact with them, it becomes similar to them.—Here terminates the adhikarana of 'entering into similarity of being.' . 23. Not very long; on account of special state ment.
Does the soul in its descent through ether, and so on, stay at each stage for a not very long time, or is there nothing to define that time?—It stays at each stage for an indefinite time, there being nothing to define the time.
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