He is the highest Person. He moves about there laughing, playing,' &c. This point will be proved in greater detail in the fourth adhyâya. Meanwhile the conclusion is that such qualities as satyakamatva have to be included in the meditation of him also who is desirous of release ; for the possession of those qualities forms part of the experience of the released soul itself.—Here terminates the adhikarana of wishes and the rest.'
41. There is non-restriction of determination, because this is seen; for there is a separate fruit, viz, non-obstruction
There are certain meditations connected with elements of sacrificial actions; as e. g. 'Let a man meditate on the syllable Om as udgitha.' These meditations are subordinate elements of the sacrificial acts with which they connect themselves through the udgitha and so on, in the same way as the quality of being made of parna wood connects itself with the sacrifice through the ladle (made of parna wood), and are to be undertaken on that very account. Moreover the statement referring to these meditations, viz. • whatever he does with knowledge, with faith, with the Upanishad, that becomes more vigorous,' does not allow the assumption of a special fruit for these meditations (apart from the fruit of the sacrificial performance); while in the case of the ladle being made of parna wood the text mentions a special fruit (he whose ladle is made of parna wood does not hear an evil sound'). The meditations in question are therefore necessarily to be connected with the particular sacrificial performances to which they belong.This view the Satra refutes, "There is non-restriction with regard to the determinations.' By determination' we have here to understand the definite settling of the mind in a certain direction, in other words, meditation. The meditations on the udgitha and so on are not definitely connected with the sacrificial performances : since that is seen,' i. e. since the texts themselves declare that there is no such necessary connexion; cp. the text, therefore both perform the sacrificial work, he who thus knows it
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