Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 05
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. Bhagavatas, theory of the, 524 531. Abhipratârin Kaitraratha, 341 sq. Adityas and Vasus, 335-337. Agâtasatru and Bâlâki, 378-380, 383. Agni, etymology of, 292. world of, 746, 748. Agnihotra offering to Prâza, 294 sq. Agnirahasya, a book of the Vagasaneyaka, 641. Akshapâda, 425 sq. Altars of mind, speech, &c., 668673. Angiras and Saunaka, 284. Animal killed at sacrifice goes to heaven, 599. Aparântatamas, the teacher of the Vedas, 529. Apastamba quoted, 187, 410. Aranyakas and Vedas, their teaching, 530 sq. Arhat (Gina), the teaching of the, 517, 520. Asmarathya, a teacher, 293, 391. Asuras, their weapons real, 125. Asvapati Kaikeya, 677 sq., 688. Atharvan, eldest son of Brahmâ, 284. Atoms, theory of, refuted, 495-500. Bauddha theory of, 501. Gaina theory of, 516-520. Atreya quoted, 707. Audulomi quoted, 393, 394, 708, 760 sq. Avântaratamas, 650 sq. Bâdarayana quoted, 326, 336, 529, 626, 686, 689, 694, 752, 761, 763. Badari, opinion of, 293, 598, 748, 750, 763. Bâlaki and Agatasatru, 378-380, 383. Bauddhas, their views of the origination of the world refuted, 500516. -take shelter under a pretended Vedic theory, 513. Being, pure, alone is real, 32 sq. -and Consciousness, 33, 47. Bharata-samhitâ, i. e. the Mahâbharata, 528. Bhâshyakara quoted, 17, 100. Bhaskara quoted, 459. Bhishma had knowledge of Brahman, 704. - put off his death, 741 sq. Bodhâyana, his explanation of the Brahma-sutras abridged, 3. Body, definitions of, 420-424Brahman, masc. (Nom. Brahmâ), the god, 90, 236, 238, 284, 312 sq., 328, 330. Brahman, neut. the highest, revealed in the Upanishads,.3. - the abode of Lakshmi, 3. enquiry into, 3-156. - is that from which the origin, &c., of this world proceed, 3, 156161; creation and reabsorption of the world its sport, 405 sq.; is the only cause of the world, 354407, 413-479; it creates, 471 sq., 532-540, 767; it modifies itself into the world, 403-406; it is the world, 88, 430-467; the world its body, 93-95, 419-434; B. and the world related as the snake and its coils, 618-621. fruit of its knowledge, 5, 7, 9, 83. only is real, 20 sq., 127. - is non-differenced intelligence, 23, 81, 84; not non-differenced intelligence, but highest Person, 207 sq. devoid of qualities, 26 sq.; devoid of form, 610 sq. - oneness of, 39, 73, 80. highest, is pure Being, 71. -the subject of Scripture, 74 sq., 161-200. -not taught by Scripture to be devoid of all difference, 78-86. -free from all imperfections, &c., 88, 124, 607-618. Digitized by Google


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