Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 05
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. Ether not a mere non-entity, 506 sq. -created, 532-535Expiatory rites, 706 sq. Eye, Person within the, 237-242, 272-278. Fata Morgana, 449. Fathers, path of the, 594, 742. Fire from air, 535 sq. - rite of carrying it on the head, 639, 631. Fires, knowledge of the five, 273 277, 753 'Five-people,' the five senses, 371 374. Food is earth, 536. - unlawful, when permitted, 701 sq. Gâbâla taught by Gautama, 343. Gaimini, 5, 292, 294, 335, 382 sq., 626, 686 sq., 694, 705 sq., 750, 752, 759 sq., 763. Gainas, their theory of the origination of the world, refuted, 516520. Ganaka offered sacrifices, 688. Gânasruti and Raikva, 338-343. Gandharvas, 238. -town of, 449. Gautama teaches Gâbâla, 343. Gayatri metre, 248 sq. Gina, 425 sq., 531. God (Lord of all), denoted by 'Brahman,' 4. -is intelligence and everlastingly one, 23. - knowledge of, 116. -the highest Self designated as, 352. - and Pradhâna, 396 sq., 522 sq. -not partial, nor cruel, 477 sq. Gainas hold that there is no, 516. Gods capable of knowledge of Brahman, 326-335. -possess bodies and sense-organs, 328-330. -have several bodies, 330 sq. create each in his own world, 472. -path of the, 594, 651 sq., 742744, 747, 749, 751, 753, 756. -the cause of rewards of sacrifices, 626 sq. Grammarians quoted, 60, 79. 791 Hari, a form of Vishnu, the Lord and Creator, 87, 93, 527. - all beings a play of, 406. Heavenly world non-permanent, 177. Hells, seven, 593. Hiranyagarbha, a form of Vishnu, 93. created and creator, 334. - proclaims the Yoga-smriti, 413, 529. and Brahman, 578-583, 748-750. - world of, 768. 'I,' unreality of the, 36-38. in sleep, 53, 67-69. -and the Self, 57 sq., 61. - persists in the state of release, 69-72. Immortal, the, i.e. Brahman, 18, Immortality, Brahman the only cause of, 296 sq., 690. according to Sankhya system, 386. -means of, 387. of him who knows, 731 sq. Indra, a divine being, 238. - is Prâna and Brahman, 250-254- a term referring to the highest Reality, 522. - world of, 747 sq. Intelligence only is true, 23. Itihasa and Purana, 91, 126, 338 sq., 751. Kahola and YâgЛavalkya, 657. Kaitraratha, 341 sq. Kâlâmukhas, a class of adherents of Pasupati, 520 sq. Kanada, 425 sq., 430, 454, 500, 520, 544Kapalas, a class of adherents of Pasupati, 520. Kåpeya, 342. Kapila, 201, 354 sq., 357, 363, 365, 371, 374, 385, 425, 480, 482, 500, 520, 524, 529, 544. - Smriti of, 408, 410-412. the great Rishi, referred to in Scripture &c., 409. Kârshnagini quoted, 591 sq. Kârvâka view, 196. Kåsakritsna, a teacher, 392, 394 sq. Katurmukha, 90. Kaushitaki-brâhmana, 250. Kavasha, Rishis descended from, 690. Knowledge and works, 9-11, 18 sq., Digitized by Google


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