'he who blows (Vayu) is the houses of the Gods.'—Here terminates the adhikarana of Vayu.'
3. Beyond lightning there is Varuna, on account of connexion.
According to the text of the Kaushitakins the soul goes on to the world of Vâyu, to the world of Varuna, to the world of Indra, to the world of Pragâpati, to the world of Brahman. The doubt here arises whether Varuna and the divinities of the following stages are to be inserted in the series after Vayu, in agreement with the order of enumeration in the text of the Kaushitakins; or at the end of the whole series as stated in the Khândogya Up. (IV, 15, 5), Varuna thus coming after lightning. The decision is in favour of the latter view because Varuna, the god of waters, is naturally connected with lightning which dwells within the clouds.—This terminates the adhikarana of Varuna.'
Conductors, this being indicated. The decision here is that light, Vâyu, and the rest mentioned in the texts as connected with the soul's progress on the path of the Gods are to be interpreted not as mere marks indicating the road, nor as places of enjoyment for the soul, but as divinities appointed by the Supreme Person to conduct the soul along the stages of the road; for this is indicated by what the Khândogya says with regard to the last stage, viz. lightning, ‘There is a person not human, he leads them to Brahman.' What here is said as to that person not human, viz. that he leads the soul, is to be extended to the other beings also, light and the rest.—But if that not-human person leads the souls from lightning to Brahman, what then about Varuna, Indra, and Pragâpati, who, as was decided above, are in charge of stages beyond lightning? Do they also lead the soul along their stages?
5. From thence by him only who belongs to lightning, the text stating that.
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