Upanishad, that is more vigorous' (according to which the result of such meditations is only to strengthen the result of the sacrifices). And when a meditation of this kind has, on the ground of its connexion with the Udgitha or the like-which themselves are invariably connected with sacrifices — been cognised to form an element of a sacrifice, some other passage which may declare a fruit for that meditation can only be taken as an arthavada; just as the passage which declares that he whose sacrificial ladle is made of parna wood does not hear an evil sound. In the same way, therefore, as the Udgitha and so on, which are the bases of those meditations, are to be employed only as constituent parts of the sacrifices, so the meditations also connected with those constituent parts are themselves to be employed as constituent parts of the sacrifices only.
60. And on account of injunction.
The above conclusion is further confirmed by the fact of injunction, i.e. thereby that clauses such as he is to meditate on the Udgîtha' enjoin the meditation as standing to the Udgitha in the relation of a subordinate member. Injunctions of this kind differ from injunctions such as he is to bring water in the godohana vessel for him who desires cattle'; for the latter state a special qualification on the part of him who performs the action, while the former do not, and hence cannot claim independence.
61. On account of rectification.
The text from the seat of the Hotri he sets right the wrong Udgitha' shows that the meditation is necessarily required for the purpose of correcting whatever mistake may be made in the Udgitha. This also proves that the meditation is an integral part of the sacrificial performance.
62. And on account of the declaration of a quality being common (to all the Vedas).
The text. By means of that syllable the threefold knowledge proceeds. With Om the Adhvaryu gives orders,
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