in grief'—the address ' O Sadra' intimating that Raikva knows Gånasruti to be plunged in grief, and on that account fit to receive instruction about Brahman. Ganasruti thereupon approaches Raikva for a second time, bringing as much wealth as he possibly can, and moreover his own daughter. Raikva again intimates his view of the pupil's fitness for receiving instruction by addressing him a second time as 'Sadra,' and says, “You have brought these, O Sudra ; by this mouth only you made me speak,' i.e. . You now have brought presents to the utmost of your capability; by this means only you will induce me, without lengthy service on your part, to utter speech containing that instruction about Brahman which you desire.'-Having said this he begins to instruct him.-We thus see that the appellation sudra' is meant to intimate the grief of Ganasruti-which grief in its turn indicates the king's fitness for receiving instruction ; and is not meant to declare that Ganascuti belongs to the lowest caste.
34. And on account of (Gânasruti's) kshattriyahood being understood.
The first section of the vidyâ tells us that Gånasruti bestowed much wealth and food ; later on he is represented as sending his door-keeper on an errand; and in the end, as bestowing on Raikva many villages—which shows him to be a territorial lord. All these circumstances suggest Ganasruti's being a Kshattriya, and hence not a member of the lowest caste.-The above Satra having declared that the kshattriya-hood of Ganastuti is indicated in the introductory legend, the next Sotra shows that the same circumstance is indicated in the concluding legend.
35. On account of the inferential sign further on, together with Kaitraratha.
The kshattriya-hood of Gânasruti is further to be accepted on account of the Kshattriya Abhipratärin Kaitraratha, who is mentioned further on in this very same Samvargavidyå which Raikva imparts to Gånasruti.—But why? As follows. The section beginning 'Once a Brahmakarin
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