individual words are used in worldly language only separately to denote special things. In other words, as the terms 'fire' and so on have denotative power with regard to particular things only, their denotative power with regard to Brahman is secondary, indirect only. Of this view the Sutra disposes by saying 'that which abides in the moving and the non-moving,' &c. The meaning is the terms which abide in, i. e. are connected with, the different moving and non-moving things, and hence denote those things, possess with regard to Brahman a denotative power which is not 'bhakta,' i.e. secondary or figurative, but primary and direct. 'Why so?' Because the denotative power of all words is dependent on the being of Brahman. For this we know from the scriptural passage which tells how names and forms were evolved by Brahman.-Here terminates the adhikarana of 'fire.'
18. Not the Self, on account of scriptural statement, and on account of the eternity (which results) from them.
The Sutras so far have stated that this entire world, from Ether downwards, originates from the highest BrahIt now becomes a matter for discussion whether the individual soul also originates in the same way or not.-It does so originate, the Purvapakshin maintains. For on this assumption only the scriptural statement as to the cognition of all things through the cognition of one thing holds good, and moreover Scripture declares that before creation everything was one. Moreover, there are texts directly stating that the soul also was produced in the same way as Ether and other created things.
'Pragâpati sent forth all creatures'; 'All these creatures have their root in the True, they abide in the True, they rest on the True' (Kh. Up. VI, 8, 6); 'From whence these beings are produced' (Taitt. Up. III, 1, 1). As these passages declare the origination of the world inclusive of sentient beings, we conclude that the souls also originate. Nor must this be objected to on the ground that from the fact that Brahman is eternal, and the other fact that texts
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