into all things, so as to be their ruler, is connected with his essential nature. Similarly Smriti says, 'Pervading this entire Universe by a portion of mine I do abide' (Bha. Gi. X, 42).—Here terminates the adhikarana of the rule of Fire and the rest.
15. They, with the exception of the best, are organs, on account of being so designated.
Are all principles called prânas to be considered as 'organs' (indriyani), or is the best,' i.e. the chief prana, to be excepted ?-All of them, without exception, are organs ; for they all are called prânas equally, and they all are instruments of the soul.-Not so, the Sätra replies. The 'best' one is to be excepted, since only the prânas other than the best are designated as organs. Texts such as 'the organs are ten and one' (Bha. Gî. XIII, 5) apply the term'organ' only to the senses of sight and the rest, and the internal organ.
16. On account of scriptural statement of difference, and on account of difference of characteristics.
Texts such as 'from him is born präna, and the internal organ, and all organs' (Mu. Up. II, 1, 3) mention the vital breath separately from the organs, and this shows that the breath is not one of the organs. The passage indeed mentions the internal organ (manas) also as something separate ; but in other passages the manas is formally included in the organs, 'the (five) organs with mind as the sixth' (Bha. G1. XV, 7). That the vital breath differs in nature from the organ of sight and the rest, is a matter of observation. For in the state of deep sleep the function of breath is seen to continue, while those of the eye, and 80 on, are not perceived. The work of the organs, inclusive of the manas, is to act as instruments of cognition and action, while the work of breath is to maintain the body and the organs. It is for the reason that the subsistence of the organs depends on breath, that the organs themselves are called pranas. Thus Scripture says, 'they all became the form of that (breath), and therefore they are called after him pranas' (Bri. Up. I, 5, 21). 'They became [48]
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