tuvi-dyumna, highly glorious, ill,
16, 3; 6. tuvi-brahman, knower of mighty
spells, V, 25, 5. tuvisravab-tama, most mightily re
nowned, III, 11, 6; V, 25, 5. túvishmat, mighty, IV, 5, 3. tuvi-sván, loudly roaring, V, 16 tuvi-svanás, roaring mightily, IV, 6,
1o; V, 8, 3. tuvi-sváni, loudly roaring, I, 58, 4;
127, 6. tarni, swift, III, 3, 5; u, 5. tűrni-tama, quickest, IV, 4, 3. tri, to get through, to overcome :
ataran, 1, 36, 8; táran, III, 24, 1; turyama, V, 9, 6; tarishani, may they pass across, V, 10, 6'; tuturyât, may he traverse, V, 15,3 ;-titirvāmsab áti srídhab, 1, 36,7; áti tarema, 111, 27, 3; with prá, to prolong, promote: pra-tiran, I, 44, 6; pra tira, I, 94, 16; III, 17, 2; prá tirasi, IV, 6, 1; pra târi pra-tarám, IV, 12, 6;-ví târit, he has crossed, I, 69, 3; 73, 1; vi
táritratâ, progressing, I, 144, 3. trina, grass, III, 29, 6. trid, to perforate : atrinat, IV, 1,
19;-ánu trindhi, V, 12, 2. trip, to satiate oneself: sómasya
trimpatâm, III, 12, 3. trish, to be thirsty: tatrishânáb, I,
31, 78; átrishyantìb, free from thirst, I, 71, 39,*; tatrishânáb,
II, 4, 6. trishú, thirsty, greedy, I, 58, 2; 4;
IV, 4, 1; 7, 11. trishu-kyút, moving about thirstily,
I, 140, 3. trishta, pungent sharpness, III, 9, 3. tégas, sharp splendour, I, 71, 87;
sharpness : sám akrinvan tégase,
III, 2, 1o. tégishtba, hottest, 1, 127, 4'. tégiyas, sharpest, III, 19, 3. toka, children: toká tánaya, kith
and kin, 1, 31, 101; 147, 18; 189, 2; IV, 12, 5; nitye toké, II, 2, 11; tokásya táne tanůnâm, 11, 9, 2; tokaya tugé, IV,
1, 3. toká-vat, with offspring, III, 13, 7. toda, an or the impeller, I, 150, 1. tová, bounteous, III, 12, 4'.
tmánâ, by oneself, by one's own
power, I, 69, 10; 79, 6, &c. tmányâ, thyself, I, 188, 10. tráyah-trimsat, thirty-three (gods),
1, 45, a. Trasádasyu, V, 37, 39 trâ : trâsate, may he protect, I, 128,
5; 7. tra, protector, (1, 72, 5'). trâtrí, protector, I, 31, 12; V, 24, 1. trí, three, I, 13, 9, &c.; tri roka
nani, the threefold light, I, 149, 4; tisri-bhyab a váram, II, 5, 58; tisráb devib, II, 3, 8; III, 4, 8; V, 5, 8; trini sata trĩ sahasrậni trimsát ka devấb náva ka, III, 9, 9; trini ayûmshi, tisráb å gånib, III, 17, 31; trî,
tisráb, III, 20, 2. trimsát, thirty : trimsátam trin ka
devăn, 111, 6, 9. Tri-aruna, V, 27, 1-3. tri-âsir, with threefold admixture
(Soma), V, 27, 5 Tritá, V, 9, 5. tri-dhấtu, threefold : arkáb tri
dhatub, 111, 26, 7. tri-mûrdhán, having three heads, 1,
146, 1. tri-várůtha, thrice-protecting, V,4,8. tri-vishtí, thrice, IV, 6, 4; 15, 2'. tri-vrit, threefold: tri-vrít ánnam
I, 140, 28. tris, thrice: trib saptá, 1, 72, 6':
trib ában, III, 4,2 ; trib (read
trí ), 1V, I, 7. tri-sadhasthá, dwelling in three
abodes, V, 4, 8; - threefold
abode, V, 11,2.. Traivrishná, the son of Trivrishan,
V, 27,1. tvák, skin, 111, 21, 5;-leather-bag
(cloud), I, 79, 38;-tvaki upa
másyâm, I, 145, 57. tvád, pers. pron.: tvé iti, in thee, I,
26, 6; 36, 5'; 6; te, acc., 1, 127, 9'; V, 6, 4'; te túbhyam,
V, 6, 5! tvadrik, directed towards thee, V,
3, 12. Tváshtri, N. of a god, I, 13, 10;
95, 3; 5; 143, 10; 188, 9;
II, 1,5; 3, 9; 111, 4, 9; V, 5, 9. tva-ata, guarded by thee, 1, 73, 9;
74, 8; III, 19, 3; IV, 4, 14;
V, 3, 6.
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