(pap) to, 195; barley pap at Sautrâmani, 136, 137; Varuna is the injurer, 137; horse slaugh- tered for him, 162; to him belongs the sling, 279, 280; the sheep sacred to him, 411; Mitra and Varuna, out-breathing and down-breathing, connected with ekavimsa-stoma, IV, 68; rules over one-hoofed animals, 75; protector of the west, tot ; connected with the Adityas, saptadasa-stoma, marutvatîyasastra, vairQpa-saman, 101, 102; runmatî (lightsome) oblation to, 338; is Agni (when completed and anointed), 238; is the kshatra, 239; Varuna and horse, V, introd, xix seq.; part of Pragåpati's body affected by Varuna, 36; takes Sri's sovereign power and receives (mitravinda) oblation (ten-kapala cake), 62, 65; sends out his son Bhrigu to improve his knowledge, 108 seq.; through (a cake to) Varuna one delivers one's self from Varuna's power and noose, 221; Varuna's cakes of ten kapalas, for Varuna is Virág, the lord of food, 229; connected with winter, 247; upholder of the sacred law, 251; is the king of the gods, 25!; receives oblation in Sautramant (for assisting in healing Indra), 252; swearing by the inviolable waters a sin against Varuna, 265; Varuna's son or brother is a whirlpool, 266; the last of the ten deities (all the gods') receiving oblations of drops, 281; Varuna Gumbaka, 343; propitiatory barley pap, 346; Varuna seizes upon the drowned, 346; barley sacred to him, 346; Varuna Aditya, king of the Gandharvas, 365; (the regent of waters, and Nakshatras) is the self of the
gods, 503, 506. Varuna-praghasab, seasonal offering,
111, 47; part of Praga pati's body,
V, 75; oblations of, 75 n. varuna-sava, III, introd. xxv, 76,103. Varuni. See Bhrigu.
variınic nature, of cow, III, 31. varunya, III, 57. vasa, hymn, IV, 112, 223. vasa (? desirable or submissive), III,
77. vasativarî water,--at Asvamedha of
four kinds, from the four
quarters, 275. Vashas, uttered with ten oblations
of the Darsapurnamâsa, V, 3; is the sun and Death, and by it the Sacrificer is regenerated and delivered from death, 36; produces wasting away of cattle
in winter, 45;—377 note. Vasishtba, the Rishi, is breath, IV,
5; his (knowledge of the) Virás coveted by Indra, V, 313; formerly only one of his family could become Brahman priest,
212. Vasor dhårå, shower of wealth, IV,
213 seq.; is Agni's Abhisheka (consecration), 213; its mystic meaning, 321 seq. ; corresponds to year and Mahad uktham,
221, 222. Vasu, dwelling in the air, III, 103,
381. Vasus, by thirteen syllables gain the
trayodasa-stoma, III, 40; eight Vasus produced from Vak, 149; placed on earth with Agni, 150; (with Mitra) mix the clay, 231; fashioned this earth-world by means of Gayatri, 233; Rudras and Vasus sing praises of (brick in) second layer, IV, 25; how produced, 33; Vasus and Rudras, connected with the four-footed and the katurvimsa-stoma, 68; Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas separated, and were the lords when heaven and earth separated, 75; connected with Agni, &c., 100; the lords of the east, 100; Vasus, Rudras, Adityas, Maruts, and Visve Devab build on different quarters of altar E. S. W. N. U., 118; the eight Vasus enumerated, V, 116; arise by performance of morning pressing, 173; consecrate the king by the Gayatra metre, 312; obtain the part of Vishnu, the sacrifice, corresponding to
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