( 20 ) denial. In this connection, I shall refer to what late Dr. Satischandra vidyabhusan has said. “ The Jaina ascetic, who commences with the idea of being free from all · bondage denying him. self every comfort'taking food just sufficient for life which is not specially prepared for him and is offered with pious devotion by S’ravakas or laymen and observing perfect abstinence and continence by living a celebate life away from the world and woman, presents to the world the best ideal of selfdenial.” He does not contaminate soul by any regard for body and suffer unmoved and unprovoked all the tortures which may be inflicted by the wicked on his body or mind and feels pity for the misguided Jivas that. harass him*. Ethics of the Jainas is a logical consequence of their theory of Karman, an original and integral part of their system. It has for its end the realisation of Moksha. “ The Karma philosophy and the Jaina ethical code demonstrate that the Jainas have been an eminently democratic people, highly independent in thought and character, with no spiritual or temporal fetters to keep them cribbed, cabinned and confined," said Hon. Mr. G. S. Khaparde.
Theory of God Let us now turn for a moment to the Jaina view of God. It is not that Jainism denies the existence of God; on the contrary, some of the quali* Cfaqtiàs 17 TA Tantai: 1 ईषबापायोभद्र श्रीवीरजिननेत्रयोः ॥
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