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in the lifeless matter anywhere is unknown to the Jinas and hence to Jainism, as the latter is the exposition of the former,
In order to understand the beauties of Jainism, one must make a deeper study but even a cursory glance at some of the tenets of Jainism will not fail to produce a feeling of respect in the heart of the reader of whatever school of thought he may be.
Ethics Jainism in virtue of its admirable philosophy of Ethics can lay undisputed claims to a lofty place in any parliament of religions that may be convened to sound the trumpet-notes of Universalism. Ahimsa* paramo dharmah or that non-injury to living beings is the highest religion- a principle which is revered by the whole universe and which is one of the bases of the best moral ideals of humanity, is the cornerstone of the Jaina Ethics. The Jaina moral code distinctly declares that in order to conquer the battles of life temporal or spiritual not only are submarines, aeroplanes, poisonous gas and other dreadful weapons of war unnecessary but are even undesirable. The armour of justice, the helmet of purity, the sword of self-reliance and the shield of compassion are the right weapons that one should wield in order to win the tumultuous wars both external and internal. The picture of an ascetic drawn in Jainism will not fail to attract the attention of the votaries of self.
* Ahimsa is never a weakening cause but is a strengthening factor in private, social and national life.
Mahatma Gandhi.
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