No. 7.)
in the Kushtiya sub-division of Nadia; Bayrā on the Kabadak or Kabatakh, in the Bongong (Vanagrāma) sub-division of Nadiā; Hāt-Bayță i.e. Hatta-Vakhataka), and elsewhere.
TEXT.1 1 Svasti Karņņa[s]uvarạnak-avasthitasya mahārāj-adhirājah(ja)-parama-bhāgavata. 2 fri-Jayanaga-[a]ēvasys . .1. [bh]yudaya-sāmbatsarēx tat-pād-anuddhyåta-gri.
sā manta3 Nārāyaṇabhadrasy-Audum varika-[visha]y&-sambhoga-kale cha [ta*]d-vyavah ri
mahā-pratihāra-Sürya4 sēnē vyavaharati tad-asy-ajñā sri-sāmanta-pādaiḥ pradattāḥ(tt) Kāçyapa
sagðttrāya Chh5 ndoga-savra(bra)hmachāriņě bhatta-Vra(bra)hmavira-svāminē mayā mātā-pittrör
atma[na]6 fecha puạy-ābhivriddhayē Vappaghoshavăţa-grāma akshayapi-dharmmark pra
dattaḥ visha7 ya-mudr-alan krisikri)ta-tämra-fāsanam sim-āghāta-parichchhinna[m] dāsyath-oti
attra sim8 lingāni yattra paschimasyān=disi Kutkuţa-grāmiņa-vrā(brā)hmaņānām satka-tämra
patta9 simā utta[ra]syām ganginika pūrvvasyām=iyam=ēva ganginiká tato nisssito 10 Amala pautika-grāma-paschimā(ma)-simn=ānagatas-Sarshapa-yānakaḥ, tênai[va s1] - 11 [mn] [sa]mparichchhinnð yåvad-Bhatt-Onmilana-svāmi-tāmra-patta iti tasmach
'cha dakshina-din(8)-bhāga12 d-bhiyas=tēn-aiva simnā uttarān=disam-anuvalamānas=tāvad-āgato yāva[do]
Bharani-svāmi13 tâmra-patta-simušti tatpipraguņēna Bhatt-Onmilana-svāmi-tāmra-patta
simni Vakhata-[S]im.14 likā-dēva-khatam=praviấya tāva[d] gato yāvast*] sa ēva Kutkuţa-grāmiņa
vrä(brā)hmana-sim=ěti ... 15 (Effaced)
TRANSLATION. Hail ! In the year of the rise ... of the Great Emperor, the supreme worshipper of the Lord, the fortunate king Jayanaga, when he is resident at Karnasuvarnaka, at the time that the Buron Nārāyaṇabhadra, who meditates upon his feet, is in the enjoyment of the Audumbarika province, his commissioner the Mahåpratihära Süryasēna acting as administrator: the command given to him by the noble Baron is as follows: "The village of Vappaghoshavāța has been given by me to Bhatta Brahmavira Svāmin, a member of the Kaśyapa götra and colleague of the Chhāndogas, for the increase of the merit of my mother, my father, and myself, as a perpetual endowments : you are to give (a deed engraved on) & copper-plate adorned with the seal of the province and specifying the boundaries." The signs of the boundary therein are : on the west, the boundary of the grant belonging to the Brahmans of Kutkuţa-gråma; on the north, the river-bed; on the east, the same river-bed; issuing thence and running along the western boundary of Amalapautika-grāma, (the boundary) is the Sarshapa-yanaka ; it is limited hy
1 From the plate.
Read eadratsare. 1 Apparently akahayani-dharman denotes the same form of tenuro akshaya niri er niol - dharma, on which see Mr. Radbogovinda Bwak's note above, Vol. XV, p. 181, n. 8,