No. 22.]
and more skilful in technique than most of the kind. The is not preserved: it appears as r in erttamdu (1. 3), nega[r]d- (1. 4), and arbhbh (1. 16, for alvi), and as in pel (1. 16), pēlvaḍ(1. 18), elgeyim (11. 20 f.), kalalchuvan (1.31), balaldu (1. 33), hala (11. 40, 44), and bilgum (1. 48). The p is changed to h in halgalam (1. 31, verse), hōheyam (1. 32, verse 19, for hüheyam), hun (1. 33, verse 20), hala hasugey (11. 40, 44 f.); elsewhere it is kept, even in prose. As to lexicography, we may notice dharmmēta (1. 40) and sata (1. 41).
The record, after preliminaries of the usual sort, eulogises Puli, its Thousand Mahajanas, and the Hundred of Siveyageri (11. 4-13). It then gives in 11. 13-31 the pedigree of the same family which figures in inscription L. above, but with some more details: putting the two together, we have the genealogy
Aditya, of Bharadvāja-gōtra
I Devapayya
Sōma I
Malapayya I
Kalidasa I (Kalimayya), m. Rēviyakka
Dasiraja, m. Olajale and Bhagale
Malapayya (Malayya)
Kāļidāsa II
Two vigorous verses then introduce king Bijjala (11. 31-34). Next comes prose referring the record to his reign and giving him full regal titles (11. 34-37), followed by tho date (11. 37-38) and details of some lands purchased and granted by Dasiraja for the upkeep of the Nagara-Bhāvi and some other local establishments and for the expenses of the worship of the Agastyěśvara temple (11. 38 ff.).
The date, given on 11. 37-38, is identical with that of inscription L.
The places mentioned are, besides Pali, Siveyageri (1. 13), Kalamjana (1. 35: see above, on inscr. L.), Naga-vävi (1. 39), Kattiyageri (1. 41), Nagarakhamdi (1. 41: see on inscr. L.), Yēramḍageri (1. 42), Kokkuligēri (1. 44), and Jamnavegere (1. 47). The Näga-vävi or "Nagas' Well" is the same as the Nagara-Bhāvi, on the side of which the Agastyēsvara temple stands (see above). Yoramḍageri (i.e. Eramda-geri, the "street of the castor-oil plants") seems to be another of the parishes of Pali.
[The metres are as follows: Vv. 1, 22, Anushtubh; vv. 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, Sardalavikridita; vv. 4, 9, 11, 14, 15, 21, Mattebhavikridita; vv. 6, 12, 13, 16-18, Kanda; vv. 10, 19, 20, Champakamālā.]
Jayaty-avishkritam Vishpor-Vväräham kshobhit-ärnna(rppa)vam dakshin. onnata-damshṭr-agra-viśranta-bhuvanaṁ vapaḥ [1] G
1 This denotes some kind of religious establishment, and may possibly be derived from dharm-ayata (=ayatana).
1 See Dgn. Kanar. Distr., p. 475.
From the ink-impression,