[Vol. XVIII.
tasya tada phala[m || 2*) (Sva-da]t(tjä[m] para-dat[t]a[th*]
Yudhishthira [* mahi[m] mahi(hi)bhuja[m] frosh[tha
vā yatnád-raksha dana]te!
TRANSLATION. (Lines 1-6) Hail! The dear grandson (read: son) of the glorious Kirtivarma-PrithiviVallabha-Mahārāja who adorned the family of the glorious Chalukyas, etc.; whose fame was (widely) spread; whose pair of lotus-feet was rubbed by the makara ornaments of jewels attached to the slopes of the diadema of many prostrate princes; who was proficient in achieving the destruction of the circle of opposing enemies; (and) who honoured the gods, the twice-born, the Gurus, and the aged ;
(L. 6 f.) the glorious Pulaköki-Prithivivallabha-Mahārāja (who), like (his) father, (is) a hero, the abode of truth (Satyasraya)* whose commands are unopposed, suitably honours (the officials of this district and informs them as follows) :
(Ll. 7-10) “Be it known (to you that), Vallabha being present in person, the execution (of the present grant) was formally bestowed on Prithividuvarāja (i.e. Prithiviyuvarāja) who, having defeated the circle of enemies by his arm (which was) a churning-stick of the wicked people) of the Kali (age), which was skilled in daring (deeds) in many battles, (and) which was wielding the drawn sword, has secured the kingdom to the lineage of his son."
(LL. 10-12) "To the Brāhmaņa "Vēdasarman who resides at Magamur, belongs to the Sandilyāyana-gotra, (and) follows the Apastamba-sútra, a field of eight hundred (nivartanas) in the village of Irbuli in (the district of) Karma-rāshtra has been given. (This field lies) to the east of the Balaka-palvala (pond), to the west of the Karmakāra-taţāka (tank), to the south of the road to Kondav[orupur, (and) to the north of the road to Virparu."
(L. 13 f.) “In the yoar twenty-one of the reign of increasing victory, in the month of Kärttika, on the great ninth (tithi), on a Thursday, at an auspicious moment, the execution of this grant (was bestowed on Přithiviyuvarāja)."
[LI. 14-16 contain three of the customary verses.)
BY ROBERT SEWELL, I.C.S. (RETIRED). At Dr. Hultzsch's request. I have examined the date of the Chalukya inscription published on pp. 43 to 54 of Part I, Vol. VI of the Annals of the Bhandarkar Institute which is stated to belong to "the year twenty-one of increasing victory” of a Chalukya sovereign who is perhaps identical with Pulakēsin II.
The details of the given date are “ Thursday the mahānavami day in the month Kārttika." It is not stated whether this 9th day was in the light or dark fortnight, but in the absence of this information it is reasonable to assume that the 9th day of the month was meant, or more accurately the day on which at sunrise the 9th sukla tithi of Kirttika was current. If the inscription belongs to the reign of Pulakēsin II it must have been composed about A.D. 629 or 630, or thereabouts.
1 Read danachachhrĒyo napalaram
? According to Cowell and Thomas (Translation of the Earshacharita, p. 266), " the word makarika appears to denote & makara-shaped forehead omament."
* This was the favourite surname of Pulakësin II. Sve Fleet's Dyn. of the Kan. Districts, sec. ed., p. 351. • Seo footnote 9 on the prooeding pago.Ed.)
[See footnote 11 on the proceding page. ..] 6 The bracketed words are supplied from linee 8 and 10.