77 तलपारिजातस्य ।[1४१.] भूखत्रीविजयचितींद्रतनयी भूलोकचिंता78 मणि: पुष्चकोर्तिविभूषितविभुवनस्फूर्जप्रतापोदयः । पाच79 द्वामिमामवं(व)वसुमतीमाचक्रवाळाचला श्रीमानाहतभाववो
Third Plate. 80 विजयते श्रीदेवरायो वृपः । [...] एकैव भगिनी लोके स81 वेषामेव भूभुजंजा [*] न भोग्या न करपात्रा [विप्रद 82 ता वसुंधरा ॥ [१] ग्व(ख)दत्तारि(द्विगुणं पुस्खं परदत्तानुपा83 लनं [1] 'परदत्तापहारण खदत्तं निष्फलं भवेत् ॥ [.४.] स्व[६]84 तां परदत्ता वा यो परत वसु(मुं)धरी । षष्टिवर्षसह
साणि विष्टायां जायते क्रिमिः ४५.] दानपालनया(यो)मध्ये
दाना(छ)योनुपालनं । दानात्वर्गमवाप्रोति पालना87 दच्य[तं] · पदं ॥ [४] सामान्योयं धर्मसेतुं वृपाणां काले काले पा88 लनीयो भवद्भिः । सर्वामिता भाविनः पार्थिवेद्रा भूयो 89 भूयो याचते रामचंद्र[:*] ॥ [४७]- पलसाकलसका(च्छा)यमंगो90 कतमनोभवं । जा(अमृतांशुकळाचूडमव्यात्त्वां शंकर 91 महः [४८"] इति तेने(न) महाराजेन दत्तमिदं धर्मशा92 सनं । अत्र च तस्य महाराजस्य स्वहस्तलिखितं ।93 श्रीविरूप(पा)क्ष
Abstract of Contents. V. 1. Adoration to the Elephant-faced god (Ganesa). V. 2. Adoration to the Boar avatāra (of Vishnu).
V. 3. May God Nārāyana, who is pleased to recline on (the serpent) Sasha in (the island of) Sriranga, on the bank of the tank Chandrapushkariņi in the sands of the Kāvēri adored by Brahmā, and who is attended by the Goddesses Lakshmi and the Bha (Earth), protect you.
V. 4. Adoration to Sambhu.
Vy. 5-8. Describes the descent of the family, as usual, from the Moon throngh Purüravas and Yadu to Samgama, the first historical king of the dynasty.
Vv.9-12. Samgama was succeeded by his son Bukka and Bukka by his son Harihara who was succeeded by his son Dēvardja. Vijayaraja succeeded Dévardya I.
V. 13. His son, the valiant Dēvaraya-Mahārāja shines in splendor as sovereign having conquered the whole world by bis valour.
1 Vomes 39, 40 and 41 are omitted in the original second plate of the duplicate copy. - Read धर्मसेतुर्म.
Read नेताम्मा'.
Read'द्राग्भू It is doubtful if the new sentences preceding the sign mamu.l of the king form A verse. • In Telupn-Kannada characters