TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) As he had (for deity) Andhägnra of this Southern Benares, the great town of Puli, for his master the blest lord Jñanasakti, who is resplendent among men, an āradhyal adored by bowing monarchs of demons and men, an excellent mirror of Kalamukha (doctrine) can a panegyrist now find words to laud the treasure of learning, Nägarasi P
(V. 2.) By the lustre of his fame, which possesses the mass of loveliness of the young moon, the blest Nāgarāśi has gained the affection of the circle of earth: this is singular to me. (Lines 9-10.) Nāgarāśidēva caused this column to be made.
J.-ON MADI-GAUDA'S COLUMN This is an inscription on the eastern face of the next column to the south of the column which contains inscription I. The inscribed face is 1 ft. 2 in high and 1 ft. 5 in. wide. It has no sculptures. The character is good Kanarese, with letters about in. high. The language is Kanarese, the verse being in the older dialect and the prose medieval,
The object is to record that the column was presented by Madi-Gauda, son of Bachi-setti and lay-disciple of the Nägarāái mentioned in inscription I., and to sing the praises of Madi and his master.
TEXT.S [The metre is Champakamāla.]
- Suvidita-bhoga-bhoginige Bhagale-nārige BA
2 chi-Settig=udbhavisida Būnu dina-Ravi-sonu 3 vacho-Mbuja-sõnu sad-guna-pravarana 4 Nägarāsi-munirājana si(fi)ksheya sinu 5 lokadol-Kavadiya Madi-Gaudan-esevam 6 mahi(hi)-mastaka-vastu-nayakam || [10] Guru Sara7 pu | Kavadhi(di)ya Madi-Gauda mad[i]si ko8 tan-i kambhava 11
TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) Illustrions in the world, a master of treasure at he head of the earth, is Kavadiya Madi-Gauda, who is the son born to the lady Bh&gale, the enjoyer of famons delights, and to Bachi-Setti, and who is in bounty a son of the Sun (Karpa], a Son of the Lotus [Brahman) in speech, a son of the teaching of the king of saints, Nāgarasi, who is eminent in good qualities.
(Lines 6-8.) The Master is our refuge. Kavadiya Madi-Gauda caused this columin to be made and gave it.
K-RECORD OF MARTTANDA. This little poem is engraved on the eastern face of the beam over the adytum of the western shrine in the temple of Bhimavara. The beam, which is 2 ft. 3 in, high and 7 ft. 4 in. broad, is adorned with a good piece of soulpture representing Durgā dancing on the back of a
The title of a class of Saiva Brahmaps.
* This is the rhetorical figure viskama: fame is conceived as white, and anuraktată, literally "redness," mean also affection"; so red is prcdaeed from white.
Froin the ink-impression.