No. 15.]
121 हो जाय[:"] श्रीगणपतीश्वरस्वास्थ ॥ [४५"] दिवि गण122 पतीवरश्रीमहादेवरकु पदिनेनिमिदि विष123 यमुल उभय नाना देसियु नंगेगडनिच्चि124 न पायम कलमुनं भेद्द' चिवसु ॥ गणप125 तिदेवमहाराजुलकुं बुख्यमुगानु जाय126 पनायकुंडु पेटिन वृत्तुलु [1] एबजतनु 127 पुट्लु ३ । पेहमहालिनि पुट्लु ३ । कुमहालिनि [पु]128 ट्लु २ । पयनडिनि पुट्लु २ । नेंतलकोर]129 नु पुट्लु २ । पूनिकोडनु पुटु ३ । चीकुलप130 मिनि पुदलु २ । कडिपतनु पुदलु २ । पंचुंब131 तनु पुट्लु २ । चेवेंडुन पुदलु २ । दोनेडि132 नि पुलु ४ । कारमूरनु पुदलु २ । भीडपांगुल पे133 टिन पोलमु [1] कौतेपल्लिनि पुदलु २ । कटि पुट्लु २ [*] 134 जायपनायकुंडु अखंडदीपमुनकुं बे135 टिन मोदालु २५ ॥
4.-Sanskrit Portion. (Verse 1.) Let him bestow prosperity upon you, the boar-shaped lord of Prosperity (Vishnu), who, in order to carry with ease on (his) tusk the Earth which (he) had imperceptibly (and) quickly raised from the ocean, grew (to such an extent that) his body was squeezed with difficulty into the aggregate of all the worlds, before she (vis. the Earth) could praise (him) with words appropriate for the request to place (her) in her (original) position !
(V. 2.) Victorious is the sickle of the moon on the head of Sambhu (Siva), which purifies the worlds by (its) rays, consisting of masses of nectar, (and) which resembles a water-spout, attached to a glittering golden vessel, - the matted hair of him (Siva) who bears the cool and clear water of the Ganga (river).
(V. 3.) Let him protect you, the elephant-faced (Gapesa), the bees near whose rutting (temples) resemble lovely blue water-lilies near agreat mountain torrent!
(V. 4.) There is on earth a mighty (and) lovely city, called Anmakonda, the ornament of the Andhra country (and) the family capital of the kings who have sprung from the race of Kakati.
(V. 5.) In this (city) resided king Prôle, (who) protected the earth by the strength of his arms, (and) in the fire of whose valour hostile kings from all sides were (burnt like) moths.
(V. 6.) By him some kings were cut up with the sword, as Mantena-Gunda; others were deprived of (their) elephants and horses on the battle-field, as Tailapadeva, others were driven away far from the battle, as Govinda-Dandesa ; (and) others were (again) installed in their respective dominions, as king Chododaya.
- Read बद्द (i.6. पेह).
Read पुटलु.