Kongunivarman, the pions Maharajadhirdja, the Paramétvara, possessed of the first name of " the glorious Avinita," whose soul was completely filled with learning and modesty ; whose valour was chiefly characterised by being irresistible ; (and) who was worthy to be reckoned first among learned men.
(L. 20.)- His son (was) he who had the first name of the glorious Durvinita;" whose three constituents of regal power were (ever) extending themselves; who brought confusion of envy) on the faces of Death and the Fire by the largeness of the remnants of the oblations of animals which were the slain heroes offered up in sacrifices in the van of battle at Andari, Ålattúr, Purulare, Pernagara, and many other places ; (and) who was the author of & commentary on fifteen cantos (or, on the fifteenth canto) of the Kiratarjuniya.
(L. 23.)-- Om! His son (wao) he who had the first name of the glorious Mushkara, ". whose feet, resembling water-lilies, were always) made of a yellowish colour by a mass of filaments which was the rows of the diadems of the kings (bowing down before him) who had been bruised in the course of (his) crushing (enemies) hard to be subdued.
(L. 25.)- Om! His son (was) he who had the first name of "the glorious Vikrama," (or "Srivikrama"), whose pure understanding was acquired by (mastering) the fourteen divisions of knowledge; who was pre-eminently skilled among those who expound and apply the whole of the science of politics; (and) who was a very rising sun in respect of dispelling the mass of the darkness that consisted) of (hie) enemies.
(L. 27.)- Om! His son (was) he who had the first name of the glorious Bhûvikrama;" whose breast was made conspicuous by the embraces of the goddess of victory, acquired in many battles; (and) who mastered the meaning of all the sacred writings.
(L. 29.)- Om! His son (was) he who had the name of Sivamära, who by the excess of his beauty surpassed the appearance of king Nala.
(L. 30.)- Om! His son (was) the glorious Konguņivarman, the pious Maharajadhirdja, the Paramétvara, who had the first name of Sripurusha; whose religious merit, produced by the great gifts (that he gave), was (ever) increasing day by day; (and) who made the cavities of (the mountain) Mandara resonant with (his) laughter (P).
(L. 32.)- His son (was) the glorious Kongunivarman, the pions Maharajadhirdja, the Paramêsvara, who had the first name of Sivamaradeva, and the other name of Saigotta; (and) who was a very sun in the sky that is the pure Ganga lineage.
(L. 33.)--His younger brother (was) the glorious Vijayaditya.
(L. 34.)- His son (was) Satyavákya-Kongunivarman, the pions Maharajadhiraja, the Paramétvara, who had the first name of "the glorions Rajamalla," (and) whose breast was closely embraced by the goddess of sovereignty, attained (by him).
(L. 36.)- His son (was) Nitimarga-Kongunivarman, the pious Mahardjadhiraja, the Paraméšvara, who had the first name of "the glorious Eregangadêva," (and) who caused the horoes of (his) illustrious foes to be destroyed in the battle of Ramaţi (or Ramadi).
(L. 38.)-His son (sas) the glorious Satyavákya-Kongunivarman, the pione Mahardjddhiraja, the Parameswara, who had the first name of "the glorious R&jamalla," (and) who effected the birth of the goddess of victory in the battle of Samiya.
(L. 40.)- Om! His younger brother (was) he who had the name of "the glorious BQtuga," (and was also called) Gunad-uttaranga;" who plundered the Pallava king; (and) who was the lord of the soul of the glorious Abbalabbi, the daughter of the glorious AmôghaVarshadeva, the favourite of the earth.
See page 178 sbove, note 3. See page 167 above, note 4. See page 178 above, note 10. . . " the arch of virtne. The first part of this biruda is the Kanaree genitive gepeda