Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 423
________________ 350 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. III. 45 rol | Margga sudi titheu trayodagy&m yatr-ankön-Api samvat: 81 Marggs 46 6udi 18 likhitem=idan triphalf-tâm vrm(mg)[n] mahogândhi vigra47 16-ránaka-6rt. Malladatta-prativa(ba)ddha-kayastha-ri-Mahakēna Priyankari48 ditya-sutôno-eti 11 Pranitam? Kosa(sa)18-endreņa prativo(bo) dhya manhattama | adatta Pandarika49 kshaḥ sâsanan tâmra 10.nirmmitam 11 Utkirnita!! Madhavêna Vásu shasa)tên' =eti || ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS OF B. From the victorious (city of) Kataka (line 1), - the most devout worshipper of the god Maheśvara (Siva), the Paramabhaffaraka, Maharajadhiraja, and Paramédvara, the ornament of the 8ômakula, the lord of the three Kalingas, the glorious Maha-Bhavaguptedēva (I.) (1.4), who meditates on the feet of the Paramabhatáraka, Maharajadhiraja, and Paramêtvara, the glorious Sivaguptadeva (1.2), being in residence at the pleasure-garden (1. 1), and being in good health (1. 4.), having done worship to the Brahmans at the villages of Randa (1.4) and Alandalê in the Pôvå vishaya in the Kosala desa, issues a command to the inhabitants of the district and to all the officials and servants of the king, to the effect that the village in question has been given by him by this charter, to the Bhatta, the Mahattama Sadharana (1. 12), son of the Bhafta Sobhana, an immigrant from Takâri (1. 11),13 & resident of Turyuna in Kosala, belonging to the Bharadvåja gôtra, with the prarara of BÅrhaspatya and Angirass, and a student of the V&jasaneya sdkhd. Lines 15 to 34 are occupied with the usual mandate to future kings to continue the grant, and with benedictive and imprecatory verses. Lipeg 34 to 42 praise the king as a very god Kandarpa (Kámadêya) in respect of religion, and tell us that his chief minister was a Mantrin or counsellor named Sådhårana. And lines 42 to the end tell us that the charter was written by the Kayastha Mahaka, son of Priyankaråditya, who belonged to the office of) the Mahasandhivigrahin, the Ranaka Malladatta, on the thirteenth tithi in the bright fortnight of the month Marga or Märgasirsha in the thirty-first year of the victorious reign of Mahl-Bhavaguptadeva (I.); and that, delivered by the lord of Kôsala, and intended to give information to the C. linen 46, 47, and D. line 49, also have admoatsaré, for samvatsara. . C. line 47, and D. line 49, also have fudi. I c. line 47 has samoata, for sanoat; D. line 49 bas samoat, more correctly. • C. line 48, and D. lire 50, also have tdmora, for támra. Read randlivigrali.-C. line 48, and D. line 50, bave the same mistakes. • C. line 49-50 has rebus, for' risus; D. line 51 bas riten, for ruteno. 7 Metre : sloka (Anushţubb). • C. line 50, and D. lines 51, 52, also have Kllal, for Kóralo. • Bead mahatta mai. 3. C. line 61, and D. line 52, also have idara, correctly, in this passage, u Read uikernan.-C. line 51, and D. line 58, bave the same mistake. 1 D. live 53 also has shiten"; C. line 51 bas autén. 1 This, and not DhakArt, seems to be the same that is given, or was intended to be given, in the grant of Mwanavarmad va of A.D. 1134 (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVI. p. 208, text line 12). It is perhaps another form of the name of the bhafta-village in the Madhyadéša or Middle Country, which is called Takkarike in the Kalas Budrikh gront of Bhillama III. of A.D. 1026 (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIl. p. 118).- A somewhat similarly named place is mentioned in the grant of Dhangadeva of A.D. 998; the exact name there, however, is Tarkarika, with the dental instead of the lingual + (Ind. Aut. Vol. XVI. p. 204). - In E. below, we have Takkaru.


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