Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 18
Author(s): H Krishna Shastri, Hirananda Shastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 42
________________ No. 3.) AN INSCRIBED RELIC CASKET FROM KURRAM. 4 manasi karnta bhīshishya dharmāņām=ācheyah katamaḥ yad-nt-Remin sati 5 darh bhavaty-way-atpådād-idam-utpadyatd yad-tt-avidya-pratyayah samskirib samskāra6 pratyayaih vijñānam vijñāna-pratyayan Dāms-röparin nama-riya-pratyaya(b) sparsab 7 sparsa-pratyaya voda[n] vodenā-pratyaya triabņā trishnã-pratyayaman padinamai 8 pūdina-pratyay tahswah bhever pratyaya jātir-jati-quratyaya jari-mens 9 soka-paridova-daħkh-ådër=(oa-domanasy-opāyāsāḥ sathbava(z)ty=čvam-noyam ahatao (Reverne. 1 duḥkha-kundhasya wadāyo bhavaty=syam-acheyata dharminima-ashaya sthan māņi2 m-apachayah katanrah yad-at-kvidya-miridhät-sataskāra-rivedhah meniskára-nirdahlida vi3 jilina-nirödhaḥ vijñāna-nirodhân-náma-rūpa-nurodhaḥ náma-rupa-nirodkat-shad ayatana4 nirodhaḥ shad-Eyatana-nirodhad=vödana-niridhai vēdanti-mirodhat-tristm-mirodhaḥ 5 trishņā-mirodhad=upädäna-nirodah upadána-nitrochd-blava-nirodhaḥ bhava-nirodhirje jāti6 nirodhaḥ jāti-nirðdhāj-jarā-maraņa-soka-paridēva-duḥkh-adar="a-do) manasy-opying 7 nirudhyanty=ēvam=asya [kēvala]sya mahato duḥkha-skandhaaya nirodho bhavaty=syam=uchyato 8 dharmiņām=apachayaḥ dharmāņāris V bhikshavatachayam cha dăsayishyamya apachayam cha 9 itim yad=uktam-idam-otat-pratynktam-idam=avāchad=Bhagavan-ättama[nasas=të] 10 bhikshavo bhagavató bhashitama[bhya]nanda[n] The other inscription which contains the text of this Batma oomes, as I have said, from Kasia. It is partly carved and partly written in ink on a copper-plate which was recovered from the relic chamber of the large stipa behind the Nirvana temple: The language and the wording of the record are identically the same as those of the Gopalpur inscription, build the date is about two centuries later. Again, the present epigraph is of considerable value from the philological standpoint. That its language is local Prákpit goes without saying. In this the dedicaters seem to have faithfully followed the injunotion laid down in the Buddhist scriptores, for it is stated in the Chullavagge "anujanāmi bhikkhave sakāya niruttiya Buddha-pachanath pariyapunitun Hills that is, that the Buddha had allowed that every one should learn the sacred texts in his own language. The same remark holds good in the case of the inscriptions discovered at Taxila, Peshawar, and other places on the North-West Frontier. The literary Peli version of the Sätra is contained in the Mahāvagga of the Vinaya-pitaka, and this version is prefaced by an account of the incidents which led up to the propounding of the doctrine of Causes and effects' by the Holy Bakya-muni. From this and from the fact that the only record bearing the complete text of the Sutra, of which the provenance is definitely known, comes 14. 8. R., 1910-11, pp. 73 t. * Oldenberg, Introduction to Vinaya-pitaka, P XLYTIL Pull text of the Batrs and its vibhanga in Bapekrit are incised on some briokua which Mr. Page nearthed at Naland in 1924 Iam editing them in the Ep. Ind..6]


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