The Social Atmosphere of Present Jainism *
Jainism is one of the oldest religions of India, older than Buddhism, and older perhaps than even the oldest systems of Hindu philosophy. Though according to present opinions, it never attained the power and extension of Buddhism, nor spread beyond the boundaries of India, still it acted once a prominent part in Indian religious life : counting, at a time, kings and nobles amongst its followers, and enforcing the influence of its humanitarian principles on other religious and philosophical systems. During the last centuries, however, it has lost a great deal of its power, and at present, the number of its actual followers decreasing from census to census, has come to a minimum standard of eleven lakhs (11,00,000 )* at last.
It would be unjustified, however, to infer from this fact that the Jaina religion itself is declining in proportion to this development, and ceasing to exercise its influence on the spiritual life of India. As a matter of fact, Jainism is not confined to those people who are Jainas officially, i.e., Jainas by birth and tradition, but Jainism is indeed far wider spread over the country than the census reports tell, and its tenets are clung to by far more people than the outsider could possible guess. For Jainism has constantly been, and is still being, carried from place to place, by highly learned, refined and enthusiastic Jaina ascetics, who have always known how to attract not only the broader masses, but especially educated people all over the country, and to arouse, even amongst the heterodox of them, liking and esteem, if not enthusiasm, for the religion they profess themselves. Thus, there are many persons, and I know a * Published in June issue of the Journal Calcutta Review, Calcutta
University, 1930. # Presently the number of its actual follower in India is more than
One Crore (Editor).
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