Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Bhatti as quoted in the Durghofavṛtti
To justify some form's used by Bhatti, Sarapadeva sometimes does not attach much importance to the anuvṛttis, e.g., the atmanepadı form समारत in समारन्त यमाभी (8. 16) seems to go against the satra सर्तिशास्यfr (3. 1. 56) because, on account of the anuvrtti of reg' from 3.1.55, परस्मैपदी form was required here.
As noted by Sarapadeva, some grammarians, like Maitreyarakṣita think that this anuvṛtti surely affects the subsequent rule; while some do not attach much weight to the anuvṛtti. Therefore the use of the Bhatlikavya is justified.
The views of Patanjali have been quoted by Sarapadeva to justify the following usages:
The parasmaipadi form अभिशनासि in सम्भविष्याव एकस्थामभिजानासि मातरि (6. 138) goes against the satra 1 (13.45). It means that when used intransitively, after the root jan, the atmanepadt form is employed, when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.
To justify the usage, Saranadeva remarks that here the root ja, denotes the meaning of अशन by शानोरसि So the rule may not apply here. Then again he justifies the parasmaipads usage by citing a parallel instance from the Mahabhasya. देवदत्तः अभिशनासि वरकश्मीरेषु वास्यामः (महामाय on 1.4.44).
The point can be raised against the following usage of Bhalli, ar प्रामाद् गुणिनां हिते (17.39) that he has not respected the Vartika जुगुप्साविराममा (on 1.4.24). He should have used the ablative case after the word f instead of the locative case.
Saranadeva meets the objection by pointing out that the above. Vartika denoting area has been refuted by Patanjali on the ground that it can as well be included in the sutra gas (1. 4. 24). But we would like to remark that then also it would require the fifth case affix.
Saranadeva adds that the Vartika can be considered gif on the analogy of the Vartika एवे चानियोगे (on 6.1.94).
In the verse मदेापकारस्य तस्य तुच्छेन यानेन वनस्य मोक्ष ( 3.13), Bhalli has used the sixth case aflix for . According to the sutra, ngázáfur *for (2.3. 12), he should have used the second or the fourth case affix for वन.