Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Käfiraja' of Bhosa--An Appraisal
son of Prasenajita Košala after whose discomfiture Kasiraja Eralmedatta alias Sanjaya the uterine brother of Prasenajita continued to reign with Kingdom handed over to Vişnusena alias Avimāraka whose identify liad been proved as the elder brother of Jayarama referred to as Kasipati in Vyd. Bhavabhūti in his Mālatimadhava could hardly crr in case of naming Sanjaya as such when he had not erred in naming Duşyanta and Päruravā. The author of Vvd. has mixed up facts with fiction perhap3 through his confusion caused to him by the variety of sources available to him or perhaps he meant to create a new history with a view to vying with Bhasa and the author of Brhatkatha. Hence Käsiraja' bearing the generic term
Brahmadatta' bore the name proper as “Sanja ya" whose couri:r Jaivanti had been received by Pradyota Mathisena as the second preference for the land of Vasavadatta. The six, kings of Varanasi besides Brahmadatta listed by Jatakas (illustrated by R. B. Pandeya above) as
Uggasena, Dhananjaya, Mahasılava-Samyama, Vissasena and Udaya
bhadra. may cven he construed to have referred to "Samyama" as a corruption of "Sanjaya" and "Vissasena" as that or Vişnuisena (Avi raraka) Tollowed by Udayabhadra. Pali “Samyama " preceded by Dhananjaya can be a misreading of the Palacography of Sanjaya (as in most of the Buddhist texts Pali word have been variantly transcribed in Sankrit due to the controversial Character of the Brālimicharacters assuming cursive or monumental forms based on the material on which they stood inscribed the Palm leul, buch bark, hand made papers or stones or Iron Pillars or even copper plates.
1. Paper read at the 30th Session of the All India Oriental Conference,
Santiniketan, October, 1980. 2. Lecturer, Senior Scale in Sanskrit, Govt. Rajinura College, Bhatinda
(Pd) - 151001. 3. Bhasanatakacakram : C. R. Devdhar, published by Oriental Book
Agency, 15, Shukrawar, Poona-2, 1962, p. 73, Act-II. 4. Ibid., pp. 115, 116, 127, 135, 158, 173, 183, 184 187. 5. Eşa Kasirajaopadhyāya aryajaivantiradya dautyena praptah. Asya
Samanya dūta Satkāram prothalal Krva sukhaniva niveśyatam. Yatha Catithisatkaram Janiyat turha prayatet ivyai iti. bhoh ! cvam nimalianyahani gotrauküleblyo rajakuleblyah Kanya pradanam prati dūla-Sampreşanā vartiate na khalu mahasenah Kam-cidapi pratticaste