Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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(vi) विवेकचूडामणि- that will be the climax in that it reveals the grave limitations of mortal existence and the sorrows that follow on one side, and the achievements of man wlio has got over his ego, and has, througli his mental and spiritual uplift, brought his Self nearer and nearer to the Supreine Self and to all the joys of one who experiences that stats.
This order would again, better follow the mental make up of the aspirant and his uplift from the mortal existence to the highest immortal existence and realization. The reader can surely be advised to proceed with his study of the works and the highest philosophy of spiritual uplift and be better enlightened.
Again, there is no uniformity in the work regarding one thing. It is not clear as to why the text of वान्तसार, आत्मानात्मविवेक, विवेकचामणि and even the very small चपटपकजरी is not gives along with the translations: The value of the compendium would have gone far higher because most of the readers particularly in India would feel inuch more bencfitted by the text in Sanskrit. No doubt it would liave consumed some 80 pages more. But to work would liave become more authentic and representa: tive thereby.
However, even as it is, the value of the work is there, it cau, very well serve its purpose. We would recommend a study of the compendium to all readers who desire to be calightened regarding the supreme reality and are keen on sublimating their minds and selves by grasping the best and the highest doctrines of Indian philosophy.
R. S. Betai
By Late Sri Gunde Rao Harkare, Editor : Dr. P. G. Lalye, Dept. of Sanskrit, Osmania University, Hyderabad; 1983, Price: Rs. 45/-, Preface & About the Author i-v, pp. 1. 1o 323.
पाणिनीय-व्याकरण में दो प्रकार के पदों का रूपाख्यान बताया गया है; (१) सुबन्त एवं (२) तिङन्त । इनमें से 21 सुप् विभक्ति प्रत्ययों जिन नाम प्रकृति (प्रातिपदिकों) के पीछे जोडे जाते हैं उन नामरूपा प्रकृति-प्रातिपदिको-का अर्थ, एवं 9+9 (परस्मैपद और आन्मनेपद) ति विभक्ति प्रत्यय जिस धानुरूया प्रकृति के पीछे जोडे जाते हैं उन धातुओं के अर्थो का निरूपण करनेवाले कोश अनेक हैं। जैसे कि--- पुरुषोत्तमदेव, अमरसिंहादि के एकाक्षरशब्दकोश, द्वयक्षरशब्दकोश और अनेकाक्षर शब्दकोश । तथा पाणिनीय धातुकोश, माधवीया धावपत्ति:- इत्यादि-। किन्तु संस्कृत वाक्यान्तर्गत प्रयुक्त होनेवाले सुबन्त एवं तिलन्त पदों की रूपसिद्धि में उपयुक्त होनेवाले प्रत्यय, आगम, आदेशादि के अर्थादिका निरूपण