Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Origin and Development of Jaina Sangha
In the Pali, Pitaka it is stated that once Ajātasatru, the king of Magatha, told the Budda about his meeting with Nigantha Nātaputta and his question on Saindşștika Srāmanyaphala. The latter explained : 'Caturyäma Samvar- samvuto to the king in this manner :
"Nigantho Nataputta mam etadovāco-idha Mahārāja, Nigantho Cātuyāmasamvarasamvuto hoti, Katham ca Mahāraja Nigan!ho Caluyamasamvarasamvuto hoti ? Idha Maltārāja, Nigantho Sabbavārivārito ca hoti, sabbavāriyutto ca, sabbavāridhuto ca, sabbaväridhuto ca/evam ca Mahārāja, Nigantho Cātuyāmasarivarasamvuto hoti/yato...... Mahāraja, Nigantho evam Cātuyāma sarnvarasamvuto hoti, ayam vuccati, Maharaja; Nigantha gathatto ca, Yatatto ca litatto cāti/'' 3 7
Dr. Muni Nagarajaji has interpreted the meaning of the word 'Vari' of the statement "Sabbavārivārita' as water and that of the word 'vāri' of the statement Sabbavāriyutto', etc. as sin (papa).3 8
It is clear in this matter that he has followed the version of the translation of other translators of the Dighanikaya in this regard. 39
If once this meaning of the word "Vāri' in Sabbavārivarita' is written in this sense, it would be proper to accept the same meaning of it in the case of the statement Sabbavariyulto', etc. But all the translators have accepted the meaning of the word 'vari' as sin (papa) elsewhere. This much is known from this interpretation that one meaning of the word 'Vari' as sin (papa) was desirable to all scholars. Then why this meaning "Sin' for Väri is not accepted in the case of the first Samastapada Sabbavarivārito"?
It is proper to take such a meaning of the word "Vāri' because Mahāvira prohibited cold water but not all kinds of water. And at the time of his taking initiation he took the vow by renouncing all sins; its name was sāmāyika caritra. "Tao naṁ samanc jāva loyam karitta siddhāņam namukkaram karei, savvam me akaranijjam pa vakammam ti kattu samaiyam carittaṁ padivajjai."40
According to the Sūtrakrtānga, it is accepted as such that he first of all gave the teaching of Sāmāyika. Not only this, but it is stated in this work in connection with the culogy of Mahavira in this way :
"Sa variya itthi Saraibhatta uvahānavam du...... logam viliitta aparan param ca savvam pabhū vāriyasavva var."
It becomes very much clear from this culogy that the mcaning of the word 'Vari' is sin because that which is fit for prohibition is Vari'. The one who has prohibited (or renounced) all kinds of sin is variyasav vavanı".