Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Kaširaja' of Bhasa-An Appraisal
19. Bhasa's plays, p. 82. Printed by the Shridhar, Power Press, Trivan
drum, 1925. as has been the case of "Padakrantāni puşpāni soşia cedom Silattalam; münamkacidihasina mām drstva sahasa, gata" in Act V of the Printed
SVD (Ublāvupavisataḥ), BNC, p. 25. 20. Ibid., p. 83. 21. The Indian Historical Quarterly XXXVIII, No. 4, December, 1962,
pp. 335-339
A note on the Brahma-dattas of Kisi. 22. OP-Cvt Anandasrama Sanskrt Series, Poona, p. 556, V. 72. 23. Ibid, Jätaka IV 458. 13, iii 97 23; I. 262.8, V. 354. 91; ii. 345-19:
IV. 104-22 and 25. 24. Vayupurānam, edited by Manasukharāya Mora, V. Clive Road, Calcutta
1, 1959, pp. 507-8, Verses 180-22. 25. IHQ XXXVIII, p. 339. 26. History of Ancient Iudia, p. 95, 1960 edition, published by
Messrs Moti Lal Banarasi Dass, Delhi-110007. 27. Political History of Ancient India 1953, University of Calcutta, p. 209. 28. Jätaka Kalina Bharatiya Sanskrtih, p. 147, published by Bihar
Rästrabháşă Parişad, 1958, cif. 5. Brhadaranya kopanişad, Ajata
Satrum Kasyam, II 1-2. 29. History of Kosala upto the rise of his Mauryas 1963, Messrs Moti
Lal Banarasi Dass, Delhi-110007, pp. 260--261. 30 Ibid., pp. 221-222. 31. IBID., p. 215. 32. Ibid., p. 216, Beni Modhas Barna in his Asoka and his Inscriptions
Part I, Third Ed. 1968, published by New Age Publisher Private Ltd., 12, Bankim Chatterjee Street, Calcutta-12, p. 311 also takes
Ajatafutru as Kafirāja. 33. Historical Geography of Ancient India, pp. 56, 107, 108, Dr. D. C.
Sircar the Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Mediaeval India. 34. Ibid., GAA I, p. 101. 35. Gadyalintamaņi of Odayadeva Vädibha-Simba Sūri introductory,
Verse 1], edited by Pandita Pannalal Jain Sahityacärya, Published by Bharatiya Jnanapitha Publication, 9, Alipura Pade Place, Calcutta
27, First edition, 1944. 36. Recent Studies in Sanskrit and Indology being Prof. Jagannatha
Agravala Felicitation Volume, p. 167, Nanes, Order and Chronology of Pro-Mauryan Kings according to Purina by Dr. P. L. Bhargava, 1982, published by Ajanta Publications, Delhi-11007.