Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Sudarshan Kumar Sharma
wife of Kaširaja along with her son Jayavarma for the espousal of the same princess.15 Kasiraja himself being busy at some religious ceremony had not come personally. The two speeches of Narada solve the riddle involved in the conflict arising out of the dual claim of Visnusena and Jayavarma over Kurangi a situation prone to end the matter in a tragedy at least for one of them.16 "Kathamidanm Jyestha-patni Kaniyase dtyate. Sudarne abhidhyatm Kasirajaya Jayavarmanah Kuraig Vayasadhiketi. Nanvasti Kurangyaḥ Kaniyasi Sumitra nama. Säjayavarm anobharya bhavisyati" illustrates the point that Jayavarma being younger in age to Kurangi was married to Sumitra the younger sister of Kurangi whose secret courtship with Visnusena guised as Avimaraka was approved of through the intercession of Narada who reveals the reality to Sudarsana who had forgotten her own doing in her early life when she had handed over her own son to Sucetand her own sister whose son had died immedi ately after its birth. Hence Visnusena and Jayavarma were the two sons of Kasiraja through his wife Sudarsana who had handed over Visnusena to Sucetand the wife of Sauviraraja. 17
The term Kasiraja', therefore, remains unnamed by Bhasa in his two plays PRY and Avimaraka. Bhavabhüti's allusion properly in MM and that of the author of Vinavasavadattam (VVD) name him as Sanjaya, Bhavabhuti does not reveal Sanjaya's domicile though VVD names him as the son of Asmakasvara. In the light of PRY Act-II Sañjaya must be Kasiraja" whose Upadhyaya Jaivanti had been offerred the unusual ovation but was later on disowned when Udayana was captured alive by " Salankayana" whose remarks in VVDAct-I" Salankayanah-Vasuvarman! aho Sarvesva-patyesu Pratyatisnchata Maharajasya-Kutal Vasavadattam
tamaśmakesvarasutasya suniścito pi; datam punaḥ prabalahārdataya nivṛtya;
dasyami Yadyanumatam bhagavanpradada; tatreti sambhumabhi-radhayitum pravṛttal."
make it evident that after having stipulated her bestowal unto the son of Asmaka-lord he changed his mind. According to Dr. Niti Adaval19
"It is difficult to accept this information unreservedly as Bhasa does not confirm it."
But Bhasa in his PRY has referred to Kasiraja ere his marriage unto Sudarsana and in Avimaraka he has referred to him when he had got two sons Visnusena and Jayavarma in Sudarsana.
This presupposes a gap of Eighteen to twentytwo years or at least şixteen to twenty years in the composition in precedence and succession