Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Katia ja of Bhasa-An Appraisal
king of Madhura was a dunce; Visnusena the lord of Kasi was addicted to chase and gambling; Darsaka the King of Magadha was cruel. Jayaratha the king of the Angas was ugly; Satamunyu the over-lord of Matsyas was full of spite, while Subandhu the king of Sindhu was timorous."11
Herein Sañjaya" has been illustrated as the son of Asmakarāja; Jayavarma as the Lord of Madhura and Visnusena as the Lord of Kasi; Darsaka as the King of Magadha; a point that sets at thought the illustration of Bhasa/Bhavabhuti that Kasiraja could be identified as Sanjaya. Darşaka has been illustrated as the King of Magadha by Bhasa in his SVD12 while Visnusena and Jayavarma have been illustrated as the two sons of Kairaja in Avimäraka13. The geacological table given by Dr. A. D. Pusalkar is self-evident:
Kuntibhoja (S) (M to sister of Sauvaraja)
Kurangi (D)
(Married to Avimaraka alias Visnusena.)
Sudarsana (D) (M to Kirja) I Jayavarma (S)
Sumitra (D) J (Married to Jayavarmā)
Sucetană (D)
(M. Sauviraraja) Brother of Kuntibhoja's
(Vişeusena Alias) Avimaraka.
Kuntibhoja the King of Vairantyanagara, son of Duryodhana had Sauvirarāja and Käsiraja as the two sisters' husbands (Bhagini pati). Kasimaja was the sister in-law's husband of Sauviraraja and Sauviraraja also a sister in law's husband of Kasiraju. Sauviraraja being issueless from Sucetana Kasiraja being a father of two sons Visnusena and Jayavarma from Sudarsand the elder sister of Sucetana--Visnusena alias Avimaraka through the curse of a sage-was made over to Sucetana as an adopted child immediately after birth. The courier of Sauviraraja having been withheld due to loss of Visnusena the courier of Käsiraja for the sake of Jayavarma was given the requisite preference 14, Sauvirardja had also been put off under a pretext that the girl was too tender to be fit for his son. Kurang was, therefore, betrothed to Jayavarma officially. The speech of dhatri at the inception of Act VI reveals the same point in a different vein. It refers to an unusal turn of events in so far as the Princess Kurangi daughter of Kuntibhoja had been bestowed unto Visnusena the adopted child of Siraraja. Simultanzously minister Bhatika had brought Sudariana